CBH vs Honors

Just trying to clarify this for ourselves! CBH is like a subset of Honors, not a separate program? As in, someone in CBH is also in Honors so you don’t choose between the two. And the CBH classes count as Honors classes? Thanks!

CBH is a separate program that is within the Honors College. Yes, CBH classes count towards the HC req’t.

If you’re in CBH then you’re also in the HC. You apply to the HC and CBH if you want to be in both.

Someone in CBH doesn’t have to satisfy the requirements of the honors college. However, since CBH classes count as Honors classes, there aren’t many requirements remaining for the Honors College - I think just 6 credits of honors seminars, so it’s pretty easy for a CBH student to fulfill those requirements.

Yes, my CBH son had no trouble completing the credits than were needed for the HC. Outside of his CBH credits, he took an HC class that fulfilled a FA req’t and a class that was IHP, but counted for HC as well. One of his Writing Intensive courses was also in the Honors College. If those are still offered, that can be an easy way to get those req’ts. He also had honors classes that were dept honors.

Is the STEM MBA compatible with the CBH? Or are they separate tracks?

Yes, they are compatible.

They’re technically compatible, but it would be interesting to find out how many in CBH go on to complete the STEM Path to MBA. Those CBHers are rock stars by and large, and many are admitted to very prestigious doctoral programs after they earn their degrees.

My somewhat nebulous thinking right now is that D17 has enough AP credits to start as a sophomore, and could do the STEM MBA in four years (she’d major in CS-already has several CS classes done and knows she wants a CS degree with a business angle)

She also has the stats to potentially do CBH. I just don’t know enough yet about the UA program to know whether that’s a good mix or a recipe for disaster.

I don’t want to advise her in the wrong direction or for something that’s not do-able.

@MotherOfDragons, I’d keep all of them on the table and, when you visit, make sure the HC arranges for your DD to meet with faculty or administrators in each of the programs. I’m sure they can give you an idea of how others have juggled those various programs and advise you as to whether or not her advanced standing when she enters makes it doable.

DS '18 is ChemE undergrad, CBH and STEM Path to MBA…loves all of them and starts research this Fall (interviewing w/several profs. in August) and hopes to start co-op next summer. All is doable and he’s doing very well in all. He’ll decide if he wants to continue in STEM or get the higher CemE degree soon.

@BocaTerp My suggestion is that if he wants to get a Masters at this point. It should be the technical route, however, that will depend on what industry he wants to get into, i.e. oil refining (not so beneficial), Pharma (very beneficial).