CBHP and STEM MBA together? Help!

<p>I’m pretty sure at least a few of you have kids doing both CBHP and STEM MBA, and I could really use some feedback. </p>

<p>When my S was waitlisted for CBHP, he decided to pursue the STEM MBA program instead, and declined the wait list for CBHP. The main reason was that he really didn’t completely understand the CBHP program, and without going to the finalist weekend and getting to talk to current CBHP’ers and staff, he didn’t think he could commit to the program.</p>

<p>Fast forward to today, when he gets an e-mail saying he was admitted to CBHP - no idea what happened there! So now he is considering CBHP again. The problem is that he still has no real idea what is involved in CBHP in terms of workload and expectations, so he’s not sure if it will work with a CS major and STEM MBA on top of it.</p>

<p>I told him I would consult the experts. :slight_smile: I have been reading past threads on CBHP, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to get some current perspective. </p>

<p>The main issue would be reworking his schedule, since he would need to drop at least one class to make room for CBHP. I know this is going to get long, but I really would appreciate any help with this!</p>

<p>Current classes that will not change:
CS 260 (3)
CS 121 (1)
EN 103 (3)
MATH 301 (3)
STEM MBA (1.5)
Alabama Action (1)
Total: 12.5</p>

<p>Current classes that he would need to drop at least one of:
CS 351 (2)
UH 155 (3)</p>

<p>He is okay with putting CS 351 off till next semester, but that would still put him at 19.5 credits with CBHP (18.5 not counting AA), which seems like a lot for first semester freshman year. He could also drop the UH class (or drop it instead of CS 351, putting him at 17.5 not counting AA), but my concern with that is that it will be difficult for him to get those UH credits in later semesters, especially if he is taking on this additional load.</p>

<p>So I guess I am looking for feedback on whether kids who have done both STEM MBA and CBHP (and an engineering/CS major) have had trouble managing the workload, and how many credits they typically take in a semester. Does the schedule he currently has seem like it would be okay with CBHP added? Any thoughts on which of the two classes to drop if he decides to go with CBHP?</p>

<p>Also, if any of the kids are CS majors, how much overlap is there with the first year CBHP classes? It looks like those are programming classes, so would those be easier for him if he already knows how to program? Or is it a completely different kind of programming?</p>

<p>S is planning to call Dean Sharpe to discuss this further, but we thought it would be better for him to have thought it through at least a little before he does that.</p>

<p>Any and all feedback is appreciated!</p>


<p>Does he need the ENGR 103 or can he place out due to AP Calc BC? I know it will be a good class to get to know other Engineering students, but given his situation, is it worth keeping it if he can place out?</p>

<p>He’s not taking ENGR 103, he’s taking EN (English) 103. Those course numbers are very confusing!</p>

<p>First of all: CONGRATS to your son on this! This is an honor to be considered for this program.</p>

<p>I have no experience with these programs, but some of the current CC’rs have kids in these programs and can offer advice. Talking with Dr. Sharpe is a wise idea.</p>

<p>I don’t think you should worry about being able to get sufficient honors credits over 4 years. EN 103 and AA are both considered honors credit.</p>

<p>The CBH credits will fulfill all but the 6 UH seminar hours required for honors, so your son shouldn’t have much trouble getting in the requisite honors credits.</p>

<p>i agree. i don’t think he will have much trouble getting the 6 extra honors credits.</p>

<p>Thanks aeromom! I think he is actually pretty excited, although he is playing it kind of cool. :slight_smile: It was a bit of a blow to not be selected initially, which may be why he put it out of his head. I would really love to see him take advantage of the opportunity, but I think we are both nervous about him getting in over his head.</p>

<p>lisa6191, what’s the worst that happens if for some reason your son doesn’t fulfill the seminar hours requirement? He doesn’t graduate “with honors”. My personal opinion on that is “Oh well”. Much better to get the degree, double major, MS or MBA, etc - or participate in programs or research (if desired). If the “with honors” works out - great. If it doesn’t but participating in the honors college gets him priority registration, honors housing, etc you get those perks as a benefit of taking the other honors classes even if he doesn’t finish “with honors”.</p>

<p>Is he really interested in a STEM MBA rather than the combined BS/MS in computer science?</p>

<p>He can always put off EN103 for a semester and keep the UH if it’s one he wants.</p>

<p>he could easily grab the english in an online CC minimester somewhere, sometime.</p>

<p>so nice to get a few of those gen eds out of the way in three weeks. heck, he could even pick it up this july, if he wanted to.</p>

<p>i agree with the PP about graduating with honors. i think my student will be able to complete the requirements, but if not … oh well. </p>

<p>having the perks of honors throughout the four years is pretty sweet (just being able to register early is a pretty good thing.)</p>



<p>Honestly, he wants to do both LOL. His biggest problem is that his “eyes are bigger than his stomach” when it comes to the opportunities available at UA. There aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything he wants to do! (a good problem to have, I know)</p>

<p>If he had to pick between those two specific options, I think he would choose the MBA. He is very interested in the business/entrepreneurial side of CS. One of his other top college choices (Lehigh) had a CS/Business combined degree that he was planning to pursue.</p>

<p>He’s really good with time management, so he will probably be fine with both CBHP and the STEM MBA, but I was just hoping for some reassurance from people who have been there.</p>

<p>Hi Lisa! Congrats to your son!</p>

<p>I think we had spoken briefly about CBH before. I have a few friends who I believe are trying to do both programs. Let me talk to one or two and see what their thoughts are on the workload.</p>

<p>There are a few CS majors in my year of CBH, and they have done quite well (obviously). I have been told, however, that our instructor teaches quite differently than CS professors do. I can’t give a proper student’s perspective - or at least the kind you’re looking for - as I didn’t know any programming languages before CBH and am not a CS major. I do know, though, that CS majors typically start out with Python, while CBH starts out with FORTRAN (and C++ in the spring).</p>

<p>Bear in mind that CBH is primarily a research-based program. The first year simply teaches valuable skills that can assist a CBHer in the future (programming, time management, attention to detail, ability to work independently, etc.) If that’s not what your son is looking to do, it might not be for him; but if it is, then it’s an amazing opportunity! Feel free to message me with any questions - if I don’t know the answer, I’ll ask my STEM MBA friends!</p>

<p>Hi Lisa! My D is in both the STEM MBA and CBHP and is an elec engr major. She took 16.5 hours each term and did very well. </p>

<p>She says that the MBA courses are interesting, fun, team-building, and relatively easy. The classes are 1.5 hours and meet once a week. As a rising junior, she is one of the kids that is heading one of the many book reading groups for the summer. The students are reading a 200 page book and discussing it in small groups online. I believe it’s in preparation for a guest speaker and other upcoming things.</p>

<p>CBHP the first year is a lot of work due to the all-consuming project that is given at the end of each term. Just study for your final exams ahead of time! My D enjoyed the project. She had a computer programming class in high school although you supposedly don’t need it before beginning CBHP. </p>

<p>I firmly believe that my D was selected for 2 summer REU progams due to her being in CBHP. That honor stands out on her CV. </p>

<p>About the honors seminars, my D wasn’t able to take one until sophomore year. As you will see, CBHP does take up a class slot every single semester. It is a minor. I also think it is an honor.</p>

<p>Thanks all! TNTide5, I would be grateful for any other input from your friends doing both programs, thanks!</p>

<p>Cuttlefish, thanks for chiming in also, I really appreciate it. Can you tell me a little more about the CBH final projects? Are they individual or group projects? How late into finals are they due? I’m just asking because we already booked S’s flight home for the end of finals, so if I need to switch it I want to know sooner rather than later (it’s on southwest so it can be changed). He was already scheduled for a final Friday morning anyway, but his flight right now leaves at 3:40 on Friday, and I thought I read some comments that said kids were working on their projects till midnight on that Friday.</p>

<p>The CBH projects are individual programming projects. They’re due at midnight on the last day of exams, and there are kids who work on them right up to the wire. There are other kids who finish early. I’m guessing there are more kids still working on Friday evening than there are kids who finish early. The project isn’t assigned until fairly late in the semester. I always planned on my D not leaving until the last checkout time on Saturday.</p>

<p>I have’t been able to find any course descriptions for the CBH classes. Does anyone know where I can find them? Thanks!</p>

<p>I don’t know that there’s a detailed course description anywhere, but you can find a syllabus for last year’s CBH 101 online. Go to Look Up Classes on mybama and choose Fall 2012. Go to CBH 101, click on one of the CRNs and it should bring up a link to a syllabus.</p>

<p>If possible, you could let your S come home on the Saturday after the project is due. This big project only happens for Fall and Spring of freshman year. Very few students were done with their project early. I believe they don’t receive the project until just before finals week. </p>

<p>I looked on my D’s class list and it looks like CBHP replaced a few classes.</p>

<p>CS 160 1 credit/ CS 351 2 credits/ECE 225 3 credits/ and (I think ENGR 141 1 credit)
She is an EE major. See what courses CBHP would replace for your S.
So, perhaps your S wouldn’t even need the CS251 he is currently signed up for.</p>

<p>Please check all of this with your advisor. :)</p>

<p>Huh, I didn’t think of that - CS 351 is C++, so it makes sense that it would be replaced by CBH since they teach C++. Where did you get the info about which classes CBH replaces? Was it in DegreeWorks or somewhere else?</p>

<p>I think CBH will also replace CS 121 (or allow S to waive it). This is making the decision look quite a bit easier. :slight_smile: I will have him call his advisor on Monday to confirm everything though.</p>

<p>Sounds like he will need to come home Saturday after finals if he does decide to do CBH.</p>

<p>This may not be exactly on point but as a Math major, D is required to take CS 150 and CS 250. CBH 101/102 fulfilled this ancillary requirement.</p>

<p>The friend I spoke to about both programs says he highly recommends it. It’s tough but doable, and very rewarding, he said. He mentioned several opportunities you get through STEM MBA (networking, scholarships, etc.), and obviously there are awesome benefits to CBH too. He knows of at least 3 other people in our class who are doing both, and all of the names he listed were people who are very driven and have succeeded thus far.</p>

<p>As for the CBH project, it depends on what kind of worker you are and the pace of the class for that particular semester. I turned my project in about a day early each semester, but there were about 15 people still working in the CBH lab at 11:30 last semester, and probably a few working on their own. I get a lot of my programming done in my room, but it’s very popular around project time to congregate in the CBH and Honors labs to work.</p>