CBHP - Accepted or Rejected

<p>Looks like the “small pool” is olympic sized. Are there any realistic options for the average honors student to do academic research or is it all sales pitch and hype. It looks like nmsf and nmf students get most of the focus and positions. What is really available to the other honors students besides clubs and greek.</p>

<p>What do you mean by “average honors student”? </p>

<p>Getting to do research at ANY school requires that the student make the effort…rarely do opportunities just fall into your lap.</p>

<p>Anyone interested in research at Bama can contact their profs and ask to help/assist in research. If you’ve done well in the classroom, then your profs will know you and want your help. A student who wants to do research, but doesn’t do well in class may not get selected.</p>

<p>Also, frequently profs send out emails to students in their major and ask for students to get involved in their research…sometimes the student is paid for this.</p>

<p>No, it’s not all hype and sales pitch…and many non-NMFs have tremendous opportunities. My younger son isn’t a NMF, and he’s done some amazing things at Bama. </p>

<p>also, there’s the Emerging Scholars program for frosh when they get to do research.</p>

<p>What is your major and what are your stats?</p>

<p>presidential, anthro, not trying to be negative but the email said there was a limited number research spots available and that seemed to be why it is limited to 40. What things has your son been able to be involved in. I have already paid deposit and housing and registered for BB.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how they bring students out of the reserve pool if they need to? Is there an interview at the time they need to add someone to the program? Wouldn’t they choose kids who were chosen as finalists but didn’t make it into the top 40 before they went to the reserve pool?</p>

<p>There are TONS of research opportunities at Bama–CBH is definitely not the only way to get involved with research. If you are an Honors College student and you want to do research, they will help you make it happen.</p>

<p>The Honors College Assembly (HCA), the Honors College student organization, actually has a research branch that is trying to increase awareness and opportunities with regards to research.</p>

<p>Like M2CK suggested, a lot of the professors on campus have labs and are always looking for new student researchers. I had two different Biology professors for my introductory Biology courses that both pitched their labs to their classes.</p>

<h1>presidential, anthro, not trying to be negative but the email said there was a limited number research spots available and that seemed to be why it is limited to 40. What things has your son been able to be involved in. I have already paid deposit and housing and registered for BB.</h1>

<p>that’s not true at all. </p>

<p>the reason that only 40 are selected has really NOTHING to do with research opps…those are far, far greater than 40.</p>

<p>The reason why only 40 are selected is because of class-size limits (20 per class only) and the fact that when these kids are sophs, juniors, seniors, they have to meet with Dr. Sharpe in a weekly class…so numbers have to be restricted.</p>

<p>the restriction has nothing to really do with research opps…</p>

<p>I can certainly see how uamaybe read the e-mail that way. Here’s the portion I think he’s referring to:</p>

<p>“Our issue is that admission is restricted by the number of strong on-campus research projects proposed by professors for our members in their sophomore, junior, and senior years.”</p>

<p>m2ck I did not ask for “opportunities to just fall into your lap.” I asked a fair question based on the email sent out by cbhp. I just want to be sure I have made the right choice of UA and did not just fall for the sales pitch. I want to be sure there really are opportunities available.</p>

<p>My D not apply to CBHP, but I have been following this thread since I have a younger student too who is interested in UA I was wondering what, if any, research opportunities might be available for a spanish or english major? Or are most of these for science majors?</p>

<p>I got waitlisted, too.</p>

<p>lotoseater, is it possible to get a link to the Honors College organization research branch that the students could look into/contact about research opportunities? Do they have a webpage with more info?</p>

<p>I’m not sure they have a website, but they do have an email address: HCAresearchbranch@ gmail . com (remove spaces).</p>

<p>The general HCA website is <a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=honors-college-assembly[/url]”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=honors-college-assembly&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^ Here is the link to the Arts & Science Undergraduate Research webpage: <a href=“http://www.as.ua.edu/undergraduateresearch/[/url]”>Undergraduate Research – ICUE Connector;

<p>this is a list of opportunities currently available for undergrads in research connections. Looks like there are a number of opportunities right now for many different majors. </p>

<p>[Current</a> List of Undergraduate Research Opportunities](<a href=“http://www.as.ua.edu/undergraduateresearch/research-connections/undergraduate-research-opportunities/]Current”>Undergraduate Research – ICUE Connector)</p>

<p>And thanks, randomparent, I have a hard time finding some of that stuff on the webpage.</p>

<p>linnylu quote:</p>

<h1>My D not apply to CBHP, but I have been following this thread since I have a younger student too who is interested in UA I was wondering what, if any, research opportunities might be available for a spanish or english major? Or are most of these for science majors?</h1>

<p>There are research opps for all areas…nearly all profs do some kind of research…it’s kind of expected.</p>

<p>Your D would contact the full-time Spanish and English profs to find out what they’re doing and if she can offer any assistance.</p>

<p>I know that we have a tendency to think of research as “science lab work” but it’s not limited to that. Humanities and Liberal Arts profs do research and write papers/books/articles about things in their fields as well. </p>

<p>UAmaybe…my point was that the wording in the CBH letter was misleading if it truly does suggest that the reason the CBH number is limited to 40 is because of limited research opps. The truth is what I wrote in my above post #66…that each year’s group of CBHers must fit into two classes with 20 students for frosh year. </p>

<p>Also, the time-demands for the research presentation for upperclassmen further the need to limit the number of admitted students. Dr. Sharpe only has X number of hours per week for those upper-division classes…each which have about 20 kids each. </p>

<p>Non-NMFs certainly have numerous research opps. My point is that some students just go to class and then wonder why they never seem to get the opportunities that others get. Students have to be proactive about research opps, REUs, internships, etc.</p>

<p>Interesting link, randomparent. Do you know if the other colleges within the university have similar programs? D is a prospective business major. I googled to see if I could find something comparable for Culverhouse, but came up empty.</p>

<p>beth’s mom, I saw one for Engineering, but didn’t see one for businees when I did a quick google search. There is a research webpage for business, but I didn’t see one specific to undergrad research.</p>

<p>Thanks for the research link. It is for arts and sciences, and I wish there was a similar one for engineering.</p>

<p>The benefit of CBH is that the participants HAVE to do research as part of their curriculum. There are many students who are proactive in looking for research positions, TA and tutoring positions. And not just those in the honors college. I met a young man at my son’s freshman honor society induction last year that was not in the honors college, but was already a physics TA. He probably qualified for honors, but chose not to participate. There are a lot of engineering majors that don’t want to do honors because they already have enough on their plate with the engineering curriculum.</p>

<p>While many of your kids are superstars right now, very involved in clubs and want to do research, once they get into college and have the rigor of college coursework, plus taking care of themselves all by themselves for probably the first time, they may not feel they want to seek out those research opportunities or other extras. Some of them may want to just take a break after all those years as Super Student.</p>

<p>There is nothing wrong with that. It’s the student’s own choice, and we should respect that.</p>

<p>Don’t feel any less about your child because they are not doing research or running for office or didn’t make CBH or Fellows.</p>

<p>Bama might be a fit for them for any number of reasons beyond these “opportunities”. And maybe Bama is not a fit for them, even if they do make CBH and/or Fellows.</p>

<p>Don’t know why I felt like saying this here, but I’m sensing a lot of anger and frustration, and you guys are going to have a hard enough senior year to not add to your stress level. Keep your minds open and make your college decision on the big picture, bringing all the factors into play.</p>

<p>Wishing all of you a safe and happy end to your high school years, and I know all of you have a wonderful future ahead of you, wherever you end up.</p>

<p>^^^ I agree 100%! And remember, if this eases the pain at all, that at 40 student per year, there can only be 160 CBHP students on a campus with enrollment in excess of 30,000 students. So, the CBHP consists of 1-half of 1% of the students at UA. You can be sure that the other 29,840 students are doing just fine, getting amazing opportunities (including research), getting a fine education, and having a blast while they’re at it! Good luck to all the finalists and those tagged for the waitlist. Kill em at interviews and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>well said montegut…reminds me of 2 years ago, S2 waitlisted for cbhp and not accepted for fellows, remembering the disappointment… </p>

<p>dont let it cloud your decisions if ua is the school you like… for your own peace of mind…compare the various acceptances again… and then decide.</p>