CBHP - Accepted or Rejected

<p>buzymom3- we figured he did not make it. He was really surprised to open and find the “Congratulations” email after everyone else got the emails so much earlier. So they are definitely not being sent at the same time. Stay positive, it still may get there! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!</p>

<p>Congrats to your S Vlines!!!</p>

<p>Thanks, met!</p>

<p>Thanks for the congrats, and we extend the same to those who received the email! I agree that it would be great to meet all of the fine folks on this forum. This is obviously a great group of caring parents and students. It’s such a blessing to us to know that these are the kinds of people who make up UA. RTR! :)</p>

<p>Just got this email:
“we are keeping a small, select group of students in our reserve pool, and you have been selected into this group.”</p>


<p>We too just got the “reserve pool” email. Wonder how many got “waitlisted”.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what kind of additional scholarship money the CBHP participants receive? (Specifically referring to those who currently have the Presidential Scholarship - but not the full scholarship that NMF’s receive.)</p>

<p>Just had DS check his Crimson account. He made finalist too. Guess we need to start looking for some reservations!!!</p>

<p>Just got my email… at 10 pm eastern. I too got the reserve pool list. Curious how many reservists there are…</p>

<p>I got waitlisted as well. I’m wondering if I should send my much-improved 1st semester grades in…</p>

<p>D is in the “reserve pool” as well. It sounds like it’s not such a small, select group. Anyone know historically how many people from the reserve pool have ever gotten into the program?</p>

<p>Well, from what others have said, it seems that a few people from the reserve pool do make it every year. I did my best to write a nice, brief email saying that yes, I would very much like to continue to be considered for admission. Maybe there’s some chance that responding early will endear me to them? I’m sure they would not call it a “small, select pool” if it included everyone who didn’t make the first cut. But I’m not holding my breath. I’m sure that getting off the wait list requires quite a bit of luck, since I bet we all have basically the same stats, and they won’t have any interview to help them choose. Gah, I wish I could write a brand-new essay to try to impress them.</p>

<p>Did <em>anyone</em> get an email that flat out said “no thanks”?</p>

<p>Crap…I got waitlisted, too. :(</p>

<p>I thought it was a select group. :(</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID Pro using CC</p>

<p>I think all of you guys are a “select” group. When you think of all the applications they get for these programs, getting to the reserve pool is pretty good, and you should be proud of yourself!</p>

<p>I know when my son applied for Fellows, he was thrilled that he got as far as the phone interview. Although he wasn’t a Fellows finalist, getting the phone interview was a great experience for him, where he learned more about what Bama had to offer.</p>

<p>So, go to your CBH interview weekend with an open mind, hoping to learn more about the school and what it has to offer you, whether you’re admitted to CBH or not. Make friends and get to know a bunch of great kids from all over with diverse interests.</p>

<p>Wishing all of you a lot of luck and hope you enjoy your weekend!</p>

<p>First: I would like to Congratulate all those that made either UFE or CBH for interviews! Enjoy your weekend and remember to be yourselves.</p>

<p>Second: to those who are in the reserve pool, remember that there are MANY opportunities at UA besides UFE or CBH, Emerging Scholars is just one. Be open to the various experiences on campus, go to the honor events and network and soon you will find many activities that you can participate in. Also, I am sure that the reserve pool is a small group from which the CBH program can pull students from. Not everyone who comes to the interview weekend will be offered a place in CBH and some kids who will get offers may ultimately decide on other colleges. I do suggest that you express a continued interest in CBH by writing a short note.</p>

<p>Good Luck to all!
You will have a great experience at Bama.

<p>Wdaveo, I don’t think ther is any additional scholarship money given to CBHP students.</p>

<p>D got the waitlist letter…she is actually pretty happy about it. Figures that it is a great thing to have made it this far. Her essay was on her obsession and research on sharks as a kid and it was not a standard essay, so she feels good thinking it was a good choice.</p>

<p>Who knows, maybe there will be a few openings and it will all work out. If not, there is always Emerging Scholars. Glass is 1/2 full in our house! ;)</p>

<p>Congrats and Good Luck to all you finalists!!


<p>In the last couple of years, there have been some additional scholarship money to non-NMFs who make CBH. It’s sometimes been an extra $2k-4k per year. Don’t know how the amount is determined or if it will be done again this year. </p>

<p>Congrats to those who made it.</p>

<p>Although it may sound like everyone makes the reserve pool, I can tell you that’s not true. I think that the ones here posting all have very fine stats, which is why they’re in the pool.</p>

<p>A good-sized waitlist is needed because many top students have many fine offers from other schools and may go elsewhere.
Anywhere from 3-7 come in from the waitlist.</p>

<p>*Is there any possibility they will change the interview weekend due to the late notification? *</p>

<p>Highly doubt it. They depend on students having that Monday off from school AND because some are also UFE finalists, so those come for the entire weekend.</p>