CBHP - Accepted or Rejected

<p>*or is it the regular faculty advisor that directs them. *</p>

<p>their regular faculty advisor for their major advises them. Honors wouldn’t be able to know everything about all of those different majors. That said, if a student wants advice about taking various honors classes, then certainly there are people in the HC that can advise in that regard.</p>

<p>*500+ top 1% kids *</p>

<p>These kids are largely spread amongst 10-12 majors (and within eng’g further spread amongst 8 or so eng’g disciplines) and the rest of these top students are found in dozens of other majors, so it’s not like any child will be competing against 500 kids for opportunities. :)</p>

<p>Still curious. Did anyone ever hear how many applicants there were, or if anyone was actually denied vs waitlisted.</p>

<p>M2ck thanks for the reply, after cbhp waitlist I am looking for info that might refocus child on bama. Almost at the same time as waitlist an ivy invited my child to a small group q&a session with adm. counselor and current students.(made a big impression.) Just looking for positive daily life picture and other positive points at bama. Not interested in greek, big on volunteering and being involved. Any info would be helpful.</p>

<p>Sniner - I think I’ve counted 11 CC’ers who posted they got the reserve pool e-mail. I haven’t seen anyone post that they were denied outright. My D was initially excited about making the reserve pool, but now figures that if there are 11 people in that small select group who have posted on this board alone, it’s probably not that small a group, so she’s not holding out any hope of making it out of the reserve pool.</p>

<p>Beth’s Mom. LOL. We are thinking the opposite. Let’s guess that there are as many as 30 in the reserve pool, and 3-5 are usually picked. We are thinking these may be the best odds we have had yet. We are not NMF, and Dr Sharpe told us that last years class was 2/3 NMF. So if you figure all those factors, we are still trying to stay positive.</p>

<p>While I was not part of the CBH selection committee, I know many of the people who are and can assure you that the selection process was not easy or perfect. Many talented students were not selected as finalists even though they would be great CBH students. If waitlisted, continue to express your interest in CBH and UA. </p>

<p>Even in CBH, many of the best opportunities will not just fall into your lap. You will have to look around and probably fill out some applications, but there will be opportunities out there.</p>

<p>In some ways, not being accepted off the waitlist into CBH allowed me to pursue opportunities that have better suited my interests and talents. I’m extremely thankful for all the opportunities I have and am living life with no regrets.</p>

<p>My daughter has not received any email concerning CBH. So there are some who did not make the Reserve Pool. Congratulations to all who are selected and may still be selected.</p>

<p>Dang! I just wrote a long response and it went “poof”…</p>

<p>Anyway…to quickly rewrite…</p>

<p>Everyone does NOT make the WL. The WL pool has to be a decent size since some may choose another school…that’s typical of WL everywhere…even for med school apps (as we’ve recently learned).</p>

<p>The selection process is as follows:
Each committee member reviews each applicant’s file and assigns a score of 1 - 4. Obviously, those who have a lot of 1’s and 2’s are outright rejected…and yes there are a good number of those. </p>

<p>The problem is that there are too many wonderful applicants who often tie or nearly tie with high totals. That’s where it becomes hard to narrow down to 55 -57 invitees. The rest with high totals are WL.</p>

<p>Students are reviewed holistically…GPA, test scores, course rigor, awards, ECs and essays. Yes, essays are important because they introduce the student and being a good writer is important to good researchers. …communications skills are important…you’ll want people to read about your work.</p>

<p>the reason why so many on CC are WL and CHOSEN is because this forum uniques attracts high stats students because of the NMF and Presidential scholarships. These people come here and learn about CBH and apply. Those who don’t have CBH-like stats, who come to this forum, don’t bother to apply. There’s some “self-selection” going on here.</p>

<p>If you want to come off the WL, then your best chance is to show continued interest to Dr. S and Mrs. B.</p>

<p>I agree with mom2college kids 100%. Just applying for CBHP was not for the ‘faint of smart’. Kudos to you all. While my son did make finalist, his desire to attend Alabama would have remained the same regardless - he is smitten with how much they want him. I think they had him at ‘Dessert Reception’ when he was a sophomore - clever recruiters - food and teenage boys? Score! Take heart, those on the waitlist - while my son’s stats are stellar, his interview skills may just do him in - anybody ever watch Raj from ‘The Big Bang Theory’ try to talk to girls? That’s my boy! ;-)</p>

<p>i am wracking my brain to remember the process when my son was applying… there is the waitlist, but there are also a few people who dont make the cut at the interview… if i recall correctly, some of those people may actually be considered as well for spots vacated by students who choose to decline their offer… then the waitlist people may still have to go through an interview (remember you havent had an interview yet) for the spots that may open…</p>

<p>anyone else remember how they go about selecting for the spots that open up?</p>

<p>^^^NRDMOM, he’ll fit right in. My son has a foursome of friends, including one female, that are the nicest kids, but yes, indeed, they are nerds. You will not see them on The Strip or at the football games, but they have a great time together and probably would never have met had it not been for CBH. I was hoping son would make friends and even find potential roommates at the interview weekend, but it wasn’t until they got in the trenches working on THE PROJECT, that they bonded and have remained close and even have lunch together once a week, even though they have not had a single class together since Freshman CBH.</p>

Thank you for your honesty and insightfulness! </p>

<p>Everyone else-I can vouch to all of you CC folks that Sea is a very nice, well-spoken, intelligent young man who has his head screwed on straight. I’ve had the pleasure of spending a short amount of time with Sea and hearing about all the things he’s involved in around campus. Things work out the way they’re suppose to. Sea is a perfect example of that!
Best of luck to all of you students (and parents) throughout the weekend! Try to relax and enjoy Tuscaloosa. Women’s Gymnastics meet (PINK MEET) is Friday evening and the Tide Men’s Basketball team host Tennessee Saturday at noon.</p>

<p>Montegut, when we first learned of CBHP I felt it had been designed with <em>exactly</em> my son in mind, and I know he feels the same. Still anxious about the interview, but I am encouraging him to go ‘roommate shopping’ while he is there no matter the outcome. He is definitely not a strip/football guy either, and would thrive with a small goup of nice nerdlers like himself. (His initials are <em>actually</em> NRD - nerd by name, nerd by nature - talk about labelling theory!) Any advice regarding the interview for a really reserved guy?</p>

<p>* then the waitlist people may still have to go through an interview (remember you havent had an interview yet) for the spots that may open…</p>

<p>anyone else remember how they go about selecting for the spots that open up?*</p>

<p>Those who are being considered from the WL don’t usually go thru a formal interview process. Some of the spots are filled during Bama Bound and some over the summer.</p>

<p>NRDMOM: I remember a young man from last year’s CBHP interview weekend. He made all kinds of origami items for everyone. It gave him something to do and was memorable. Maybe your son has something cool to wear such as an interesting tie. Something that is a conversation starter (obviously something in good taste). Or he could wear a pin from Disney. That way he doesn’t have to start the conversation. </p>

<p>The students at finalist weekend just are so excited. They talk about where they are from, what school they attend, things like that. Just tell him to be interested and he will be interesting. Good luck. Are you coming with him?</p>

<p>Cuttlefish123 - Hmm, he <em>did</em> get an Alabama sock puppet keychain for Christmas… and yes, both my husband and myself are planning on ‘coming with’, although I realize that means providing transportation and then hanging out until we provide transportation again. Guess I better look up things to do in T-Town!</p>

<p>thanks m2ck… i remembered something about it, but knew it wasnt like the finalist weekend, but did require some further interaction.</p>

<p>nrdmom… being like a character on big bang would be a plus in my book…love that show</p>

<p>NRDMOM: The key chain sock puppet sounds adorable. Where did you find it?</p>

<p>I hope you enjoy your trip to T-town. There is a beautiful riverwalk on the Black Warrior River right off campus. Many good restaurants in town. One of my favorites is the Cypress Inn on Rice Mine Blvd. You can drive around the campus to get your bearings. Enjoy a walk on campus, it’s beautiful. You can see the stadium, go to the Bear Bryant museum right near the Capstone Hotel. There are threads on great restaurants and things to do while at Bama.</p>

<p>Sea tide post #106</p>

<p>I couldn’t agree more. My D was a UFE semifinalist last year. Although she has high stats and was encouraged to apply to CBHP, she was not interested and did not apply. She has no regrets about either program. While they seem like good programs, it isn’t necessary to be in either to find opportunities. She is involved in the Honors College, within her major, volunteers on campus and within the community, mentors, did AA, has many friends who are just as involved, and maintains her high expectations and academic success.</p>

<p>For those interviewing for one of these slots, best of luck to you. You should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments regardless of the outcome. BAMA has MANY opportunities for students who are both motivated and academically gifted. I would caution you, however, not to pin all of your expectations on this one opportunity. Do your best, have fun, and be yourself.</p>

<p>* and yes, both my husband and myself are planning on ‘coming with’, although I realize that means providing transportation and then hanging out until we provide transportation again. Guess I better look up things to do in T-Town! *</p>

<p>Will you be staying at the Capstone as well or elsewhere?</p>

<p>For places to eat and such…(there’s also a hotel listing in a later page)</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1156069-bama-area-restaurant-guide.html?highlight=restaurants[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1156069-bama-area-restaurant-guide.html?highlight=restaurants&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;