CBHP Finalist Weekend Notification Date

Does anyone know if CBH 101 / 102 still starts with FORTRAN first semester then C++ the second semester, and if yes, what book is used for CBH 101?

@bamaparent2020; CBH did that order this year. We did not purchase a CBH book this year at all. Not sure what they are using. I’d ask except my CBH’er is heads down finishing the end of year project by midnight tonight.

DS says, “we had an online book that was given to us.” Short and sweet. Gotta get that project done! 11.5 hours left to get it finished.

@2015pop You were braver than me…didn’t want to even ask! Looks like that deadline is going to get met!

He finished at 3:30p today. Now time to pack up room, check out, breakfast, roommate to the airport, drive home. Woohoo!!


CBHP just sent out short list consideration emails for students interested still in interviews. Make sure to check your email if you’re on the wait list. Just received my email to set up an interview at Bama Bound. Roll Tide!

Congratulations, @atomicPACMAN07 . . . and good luck!

Grats dude!

Congratulations to everyone who made it into the program or has the opportunity to interview! Unfortunately I don’t think I made the short list after being in the reserve pool, as I did not receive an e-mail. However, I’d like to thank everyone for the good advice posted on this thread, and I hope everything goes well for everyone still being considered! Should I e-mail Ms. Batson just to make sure? I already expressed interest by e-mail and by phone a couple times, so I’d rather not bother her if I’m no longer being considered. Anyways, I’ll definitely apply to Emerging Scholars, and I’m super stoked for everyone’s amazing opportunities! Can’t wait for BB and the fall!

@tempacc1234 it can’t hurt to ask! From prior posts, I think they notify reservists right before his/her Bama Bound it seems.

@Nerdyparent that’s what I’m thinking too…Bama Bound is next week for me so maybe they just send notifications out before your visit

@tempacc1234 - Things change over the summer, often at the last minute, so I doubt it’s possible for Ms. Batson to say definitively that you’re in or you’re out. For some candidates, interviews happen at Bama Bound. For others, they happen over the phone (perhaps because a spot opened up after that candidate’s Bama Bound session?) There are almost three months left until school starts . . . I know it’s stressful, but I’d say to just hang in there and see what happens. And if you get to Bama Bound without having heard anything, you can always stop by her office and introduce yourself.

While you’re waiting, @tempacc1234, I’d strongly encourage you to apply to the Emerging Scholars program:


If you’re admitted, you’d have the opportunity to jump into research almost as soon as you set foot on campus! Don’t delay, though - the deadline for applying is July 1st.

I just noticed something very interesting…on DegreeWorks just yesterday an audit happened and CBHP already lists under “special programs” for me and at the bottom shows the course requirements for the program. It makes me wonder if they do this for BB purposes before you’re admitted, if this indicates a “soft” acceptance, or if it was an error. For a second I thought I was already admitted to it so I am getting anxious and excited to see what is going on.