CBHP Finalist Weekend Notification Date

Hello everyone! I’m pretty new to CC so I don’t understand much of the terminology. Anyways, does anyone know when notification e-mails will be sent out for the Computer-Based Honors Program? I’ve read on here that e-mails are typically sent in late January and early February, but is there a specific date for which to look? Is there someone on the “inside” who can tell us what the Honors College can’t? I heard from someone that we should contact Mrs. Batson if we don’t receive an e-mail by February 5th. I’m not impatient, just anxious!

Notification went out the first week of February last year.

My son heard today, from his Bama email account. Bad news/good news - he didn’t get in, but he stayed in the deferred pool. There’s still a chance! :slight_smile:

The email said it was the largest and most competitive pool they have ever had apply.

Hopefully everyone will hear soon!

ditto @SouthFloridaMom9

My older son was eventually accepted from the reserve pool three years ago, so there is definitely still a chance!

Good news for my younger son though, he was selected as a finalist! I’m thrilled for him. He’s still very undecided between Bama and Miami of Ohio, so hopefully this finalist visit will give him some clarity. My older son has had a wonderful experience with CBH and it will be interesting to see what my younger son thinks of the whole thing.

If your student is attending UA, and really wants to participate in CBH (and is in the reserve pool), make sure to email Mrs. Batson and Dr. Sharpe stating their interest in the program and commitment to it. If you continue to contact them, we have heard of students getting in from the reserve pool as late as the week before school starts. This program is getting more competitive every year, but is providing wonderful opportunities to the students who participate.

How many students are cut during the interview phase?

If you are invited to the interview weekend you will be invited to join CBHP.

You were not taught manners, civility, and just generally how to act like somebody.
Be polite…to EVERYBODY.

Every so often there are those students who, let’s say, don’t put their best foot forward during that weekend.

If you search for past posts regarding the CBHP weekend you will find more details that may prove helpful.

Some, who are offered spots, will not join because they feel led to different opportunities.

I got my finalist notification yesterday! :slight_smile: Good luck to everyone else!

60 are invited to the weekend, 40 are invited to join. If you read threads from last year, there are some who did not make it. You will also see several others who made the group, but chose to select other opportunities at competing schools. This is why the reserve pool exists. So note:

60 invites, 40 make it. If you do NOT make the cut, you are out entirely. “Replacements” to the 40 are drawn from the reserve pool and are invited to interview at other times–even as late as Bama Bound. Not all from the reserve pool who are asked to interview make it–some still do not get invites, and at that time are “out.”

If you read previous posts, you’ll understand the best ways to get selected, what they are looking for, and how to shine that weekend.

Congrats @Raxterfawk and @lisa6191! That’s great news.

I will have my son email Mrs. Batson and Dr. Sharpe - thanks for those and other great suggestions everyone!

We are still very happy with UA and all the options, but if he bumps into CBH from the reserve pool that would be an added blessing.

I was also put into the reserve pool! The e-mail states that the reserve pool is “small and select,” but looking at last year’s thread, there seems to be a lot of students on CC that are deferred. Maybe that’s because CC attracts highly competitive students and most of the reserve pool members use CC? I have a few questions for anyone who happens to know:

1.Does anyone recall how many spots typically open up for those in the reserve pool?
2.If we are given the opportunity to interview for remaining spots, would it be at orientation or on our own accord?

3. I heard that students can’t be in both CBHP and Emerging Scholars concurrently, as it takes up more seats. If I apply to Emerging Scholars, will I still be able to stay in the reserve pool? I’m hoping to apply to Emerging Scholars as a back up plan if I don’t get into CBHP. If I get accepted into Emerging Scholars and then hear good news from CBHP, can I decline admission to Emerging Scholars, or will CBHP waive my right to be considered as soon as I am accepted into Emerging Scholars?

I’ll ask Mrs. Batson as well and get back to anyone who has the same questions.

I am in the reserve pool! Not out yet :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: @swim4school you mention other posts with information for what they look for in interviews. Do you by chance have links? :smiley: please and thank you

@TheRealMailMan Getting accepted to Emerging Scholars will not hurt your chances of being accepted to CBHP from the reserve pool. I was in your situation. I accepted a spot in Emerging Scholars, but in late July I got an acceptance to CBHP. I had not been told that I couldn’t do both programs, but I chose to withdraw from Emerging Scholars. I simply apologized for withdrawing from Emerging Scholars so late, and I recall getting a very understanding email in response.

I believe that my year had over a dozen CBHers accepted from the reserve pool. Many of the people who were accepted from the reserve were proactive about asking for the chance to interview during Bama Bound. Those people were accepted much sooner than I was. I took that “reserve pool” email as a soft rejection, and never really thought I had a chance of being accepted after that. I got extremely lucky in being invited to join without ever interviewing. My advice is don’t do what I did. Express your interest, and ask for the chance to interview during your Bama Bound session.

How many total people usually originally apply to the program?

In years past, it has been in the 600-700 range, the letter this year apparently comments on “record numbers” so upwards from there–just a guess.

It makes me wonder how many people are in the reserve pool to begin with to get an idea of acceptance rates from the pool with insight provided by @BamaChemE16

My son was also put in the reserve pool. I know they say it is small, but I wonder how many it includes. Hoping for some good luck!

I’m also in the reserve pool. Has anyone gotten rejected and not been put in the reserve pool?

My son did not get an email, so I am assuming that he was rejected.