CBHP Finalist Weekend Notification Date

Congrats @meaa7130! =D>

Just got my acceptance letter in Maryland! Roll Tide!

Congratulations @Raxterfawk! :-bd

My son also received the CBHP acceptance today. A great opportunity; my son is psyched. No mention though if it would come with an additional financial award. Anyone receive an additional financial offer with your notification?

I have no idea how/if/when the CBH fellowships are given to the finalists who are accepted into the program, but I can tell you that my daughter, who was accepted to CBH from the reserve pool a few years ago (she’s a senior now) wasn’t notified of her CBH fellowship until a few months after she was accepted into the program. The letter arrived after she was already on campus but before classes began in the fall. Since she was thrilled just to be accepted into the program, the felllowship was icing on the cake.

My son also received CBHP acceptance yesterday ! We are all thrilled. @ConcertoinD ,No mention of any additional award. Have the same question, when will we know ?

Traditionally additional financial awards have been in the $1500-$2500 range. A lot of these students are Presidential Scholar and NMF students with strong scholarships already. The awards are typically given out much later–in the late summer, after you have committed to the program already. CBH students have so many opportunities after they arrive on campus for internships for summer, for special projects, etc. The CBH designation allows for a lot of doors opening to the student other than initially financial.

Yes that is what I gather that the CBH kids get lots of opportunities. Congrats to all the 2016 CBH kids here !

Congrats to all!!

Congrats from Florida too! =D>

Yes, congrats to everybody who was admitted. I’m continually blown away by the accomplishments of CBHPers I reader about, and you will joining a very impressive group of students.

For those who were put on the reserve list or denied: Chin up! There will be many fantastic opportunities for you at UA in the future too.

Roll Tide!

Got my acceptance letter today!

I wonder whether CBH lost any candidates to Ivy Day today. So many great kids with lots of choices - will be interesting to see.

I’m sure they did (or will). It happens every year.

All the accepted CBHers are elite students. And CBH is truly an elite program for the best of the best–I appreciate how unapologetic UA is about expecting the best of the best in CBH. I’ve been reading other elite school posts: if you can afford X, then do X. If not choose Y. Seriously??? The CBH students will and are be among the most elite in the country. And likely follow that up with extraordinary accomplishments at UA and the world. I see a lot of reversion to the mean in assuming one should only accept such an extraordinary opportunity if they cannot afford X. That attitude is a great opportunity for would-be CBHers–they can be contrarian and choose UA. Surely, UA will love a group of CBHers who are intellectual contrarians. Outstanding world change will be the result. Good luck, fortune and health to the CBHers.

My child has been accepted and is planning on CBH. Did everyone get the email that the deadline for CBH acceptance has been extended to this coming Friday, April 29th?

I didn’t receive the email, but I’ve already accepted my spot so maybe that’s why I didn’t get it.

I’m in the same situation as @thr2000

My son chose CBH so Roll Tide!

@BamaParent2020; your son will love it!