
<p>Congrats! The good thing is that both of those schools are “super aid” schools that have super generous formulas…so you may get an excellent deal!</p>

<p>Late to the party. Congrats Pop! Tough choices but great to have such opportunities.</p>

<p>Thanks again. Received Yale’s FA package and I guess overall I’m pleased; although it is nothing like UA’s NMF package!! However it is the ONLY school to ever offer any true financial aid. It is still expensive but might be doable for us; appx 50% off the full pay price. Hope to receive Stanford’s package today. One of the reasons that we applied to these two elite schools was the understanding that they had better FA for upper middle income families (AND had D’s intended major!). We are all still in a daze that D actually has these opportunities.</p>

<p>We were in the same situation with our oldest DD. When the Columbia package came (DD’s heart was set on Columbia) and it was not what we really needed even though DD was NMF, #2 in her class, 34 ACT, (I can’t remember the SAT)…anyway DH and DD personally made a trip to NYC to meet with the financial aid people. We new due to income that we would not qualify for aid but in the end they put together a great package that combined with local scholarships got us over half way there…Moral of the story: If your DD is set on one of the schools that doesn’t give you enough…pack those suitcases and take a trip…it might be worth your while! Rooting for you…hope it all comes together like she wants!</p>

<p>Congratulations, MidwestPop!!</p>

<p>Congratulations, MidwestPop!!</p>

<p>Great news MidwestPop! Halfway to Yale sounds very generous! You’all have some hard decisions before you :slight_smile: Great to have options…</p>

<p>Okay, todays’s the day for CBHP decisions, right? Can’t wait to hear the news!!</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>^ praying for all our Alabama Forum kids!!!</p>

<p>Let’s hope that they let us know sooner versus later today. D will be checking her phone for updates from me all day! Hope she does not get caught with her phone!!!</p>

<p>So… I live in Montgomery, AL and did not receive a status letter or an e-mail today. Though I did get my reimbursement check. Anyone else hear anything?</p>

<p>^Nope. Nothing here. No email, status letter, or reimbursement check.</p>

<p>I will confess … I may be the only person willing to say so, but I can’t be the only one to feel it … this is getting just a tad bit irritating. We’re grateful for the honor. The program sounds fantastic. But really … still no decisions more than a month after the interview? I CAN’T be the only one who is starting to feel just a little irritated with the wait. We want to plan ahead. We want to make decisions.</p>

<p>Frustrating. On the other hand, I’m not the most patient person on the planet…</p>

<p>The program does sound fantastic. My son has been most impressed with every contact he has had with the University, Honors College, and CBHP. I’m sure there is some reason why it has taken a month this year when it was about 10 days last year. They may have learned something last year that will help the candidates this year that makes it worth the wait. I do wish they would be a little more transparent about that reasoning since it does represent a departure from last year. I am usually on the short end of the patience spectrum, but, when I trust the people I’m dealing with there is a LOT more leeway. Such is the case here.</p>

<p>Tick tock - Tick tock … Oy, the waiting …</p>

<p>Have any of the finalists been contacted in any way to find out if they’ve decided to go elsewhere?</p>

<p>Were they told during interview weekend to please let CBH know ASAP if they decided to go elsewhere?</p>

<p>I can’t help but feel that this year’s delay was done so that those who were accepted to ivies/etc could let CBH know what they’ve decided so CBH doesn’t have to reject someone unnecessarily.</p>

<p>M2ck … While that sounds perfectly reasonable, I’m not aware of any such communications. My D has been on FB and Txt with many that she met at finalists weekend over the last few weeks and everyone seems to be in the same boat … Just waiting.</p>

<p>I’m anxious to hear who got into CBHP.</p>

<p>I wasn’t in Nott Hall long enough today to go see Mrs. Batson and ask about the status of CBHP acceptances. From what I’ve been, the delay in acceptances is primarily due to the fact that all of the candidates were excellent and there was not enough space for all of them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were also working on some additional issues beyond the acceptances/rejections about which I have no info.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all finalists and congratulations to MidwestPop’s D on her other acceptances.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I’m wondering whether they’ll expand the number of slots to accommodate all the excellent candidates! After all, it wouldn’t cost them a whole lot more than their regular NMF scholarships would…right? And it’s to the advantage of UA to have as many kids as possible involved in high-level research.</p>

<p>My D made it in CBHP!!! She is so happy!</p>

<p>Congrats Cuttlefish! Nice to know decisions are out.</p>