
<p>So…when do you think we will find out?</p>

<p>I read in an old thread that last year the released or postmarked notifications for CBHP on Feb. 1. Do you think that will be the case this year? Crimson email or snail mail?</p>

<p>Good luck everyone! My numbers are solid but not great, so I’m not really expecting to be invited, but it would be awesome!</p>

<p>edit: hmmm, nbd, but it wouldn’t let me make the title all caps</p>

<p>I don’t know the exact date that CBHP notifications were/will be sent, but you should be getting some sort of notification very soon.</p>

<p>I would guess that notifications will happen this week… typically, initial notification is by email with a follow-up snail mail.</p>

<p>Think they will send us an e-mail letting us know if we DIDN’T get it?</p>

<p>I’m too scared to check my Crimson e-mail now, haha.</p>

<p>UA’s website states that applicants will be notified of their status in the first week of February, so I guess that includes both acceptance and denial.</p>

<p>I would bet money that they’ll let us know tomorrow. Think about it: if they tell us late afternoon tomorrow, then they leave the office and don’t have to hear angry phone calls from people who didn’t get in because by then it will be the weekend. I just wish they would put us out of our misery already! haha.</p>

<p>haha jab that makes sense. </p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>My son just got an email on his Bama account that he is a CBHP finalist. However, he is already committed that weekend for his Morehead-Cain Finalist interviews at UNC. How understanding is Bama about these type conflicts and how should we handle?</p>

<p>My D just got the finalist e-mail too! She is SO excited! Looking forward to another visit to T-town Feb 26 - 28. My wife has not been yet, so she’s excited to see what all the fuss is about! :-)</p>

<p>We will see you there! D just got her email and is very excited!</p>

<p>First off, kudos to those who are finalists. You will have a lot of fun that weekend.</p>

<p>Catdaddy, contact the CBHP office and let them know about the conflict. A couple of years ago, some prospective CBHers were also finalists for Fellows, but could not spend the whole week in T-Town. So, they went to Fellows, but also interviewed that same weekend for CBH. These things happen. Several other colleges have finalists events around the same time.</p>

<p>My daughter is a finalist too! We are so excited for this opportunity. We were thinking of driving to Bama. Do the students stay at the Capstone Hotel? Where do the parents stay? Any recommendations?</p>

<p>My son just got his email too, and he’s a finalist too. Yay!</p>

<p>Congrats and good luck to all!</p>

<p>I just got it too. Congrats everyone!</p>

<p>The CBH candidates do stay at the Capstone. As for parents, it’s kind of up to you. When I went down with my son, I stayed elsewhere in town and did other things.</p>

<p>^Is there any big reason to go, as a parent? Are there any scheduled things for parents?
I was thinking of staying here and working my normal schedule. Bad idea? Or fine idea?</p>

<p>If all the emails were sent, DS #3 is not in the running. DS #2 is in CBH now.<br>
Congratulations to all the Finalists! This program has been a wonderful asset to my #2 son’s experience at Bama. </p>

<p>Even though DS #3 was not selected for Fellows or CBH, it has not change his excitement and commitment to UA. Not being a finalist in ANY highly desirable and very competitive scholarship program is not the end all to one’s opportunities. Applicants must realize there are one being evaluated with other wonderful applicants. Not being selected may restrict you from experiences that would have been offered. BUT each and every one of the applicants are still in control of their own destiny. If you are qualified and have a proven track for getting things done…nothing is stopping you from forging on…except your ego. </p>

<p>This has already been said but I will say it again: “When one door closes, another door opens”.</p>

<p>If my #2 son was offered full rides at any of the other name dropping schools he applied to, he would not have accomplished great things at Alabama. UA was the last school he wanted to attend. In fact, he applied only because I convinced him he had nothing to lose. As the date approaches for school selection and comes, follow your gut. Be true to yourself. Your future is YOURS.</p>

<p>SimpleLife … what I believe has been posted here on CC within the last couple weeks is that unlike UFE there really is NO programming for the parents during CBHP interviewing. Parents traveling with kids can expect not to see their kids pretty much the whole time, which is scheduled fully (as if the kids had traveled without parents).</p>

<p>We are going because since UA is one of Ds top choices, she has not yet had the chance to visit campus to see what my D and I have already experienced. We will look to be scheduling our own activities, tours, dorm visits, etc. as much as possible during the day on Sunday and Monday morning before we meet back up with D for trip back to the airport.</p>

<p>This is our understanding of what will be expected of us that weekend. We may never see her once she checks in at 1:00 on Sunday. :-)</p>

<p>No email. :(</p>

<p>Wasn’t expecting to get an invite, but it still kind of sucks. </p>

<p>Congrats to everyone that got one though.</p>

<p>^^^ “she” is referring to my wife who has yet to see what UA is all about. She won’t send her D so far from home without seeing the place with her own eyes first! :-)</p>