CC Forums Migration: Known issues + Status Update

I also posted about the numbered PM’s. There is no way to identify them if we are looking for an old PM. I hope this changes.

I have been unable to scroll to the top of the page: it bounces back down. So I use the back button to get back to the Forum home.

Is there a way to bold or highlight bookmarks that have not been read?

I’ve bookmarked this URL in my browser, and use it as my entry page into CC:

It isn’t perfect—it updates weirdly, sometimes you have to hit refresh to get it to update properly and sometimes you don’t—but it provides the equivalent of what I think you’re after.

Thanks but I have several bookmarks of different threads and I can’t tell which have new posts since I read them last. Hmmm. Need to figure out a work around. :thinking:

For me, that page shows what (I think) you’re asking for—unread posts since my last visit for the threads I’ve bookmarked, and only those. (Though it doesn’t always catch that I read the last article in the thread—it only consistently works if I scroll past the end and let it sit for a couple seconds.)

When you click on your picture on the top right, there is a little ribbon with your bookmarked threads. I just see a long list of threads, some of which haven’t had posts in a long time.

I agree. There used to be unread posts in bold, and others were not. That way I knew what I had read, and what I had not read. Now, the list all looks the same.


That is one benefit of the “light” version, which I have been using since it was suggested for those who were having issues with the site.

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Right…but I am not consistently having the issues so it was suggested that I NOT change to the lite version.

But really those features should be for everyone, right?

@CC_Mike @CC_Jon


So…back to that LONG list of musical theater colleges. According to the site, this area has been visited ONE time per month! Is this really something that needs to be on the forum list page? One visit per month for ALL those schools?

@CC_Jon @CC_Mike


There really hasn’t been a good answer as yet on the issue of the MT school list. All of the arts, music, dance programs have unique characteristics in their programs and application procedures. There is already a MT forum in the majors forums.


This is new. Today and yesterday…I’ve been getting the little blue number by my little avatar which I believe shows there is a new post, right?

Well…I open the thread and I have already read all the posts. This has happened repeatedly.

@CC_Mike @CC_Jon


Make that a X2

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The blue number shows a response to your post or a post your have been tagged in or a post that has been liked.

But the notifications have been delayed the last couple of days.

Delayed…and apparently sent over and over and over.


Now that you mentioned it, they did pop up more than once

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I’m having the same problem @thumper1

Yes that is part of reason I asked for bookmarks to be bold if messages hadn’t been read. I was getting lots of blue numbers and I can’t figure out what it is trying to notify me about.

I’ve asked our developers to look into this. The feature should be available for everyone, as @thumper1 mentioned. I believe this is an unintended consequence of our theme and we’ll get it fixed.


I’ve noticed this too. I’m switching over to the Light theme for the moment to see if it’s related. At the very least, that will give me a better idea of what posts the notification might be for. If you are having problems with notifications, I recommend doing that as well.

There have been a few updates recently that allow push notifications and setting up a “do not disturb” schedule. You can find those settings in your notification preferences. In addition, there is a “Do not disturb” toggle in the top bar:

Screen Shot 2021-02-17 at 12.07.13 PM

With any change, there might be bugs, of course. We’ll attempt to track the problem down. If it goes away when switching to the Light theme, that’d be useful to know since it narrows down the code we’d need to look at.