CC Forums Migration: Known issues + Status Update


To assist with troubleshooting, this was also happening to me and I have been using the Light Theme for a while now.

Last night, the notifications went “crazy”… the numbers popping up over and over again on my avatar until finally they seemed to catch up to the posts I had read. It seemed a notification was popping up in a much delayed fashion for each new post to the topics I track. However, it was ignoring the fact that I read the rest of the posts to the end of the thread so a few minutes later it would notify me again of a “new, not really new” post I’d already read.

That does not seem to be happening today, thankfully.

ETA: My unread notifications are highlighted in blue again so I can tell which ones I have not read. That was not working consistently over the past couple days. So thanks for getting those fixed too!


The pages are hopping around a LOT today. I’ll be in the middle of reading a post and the whole page shifts to some other spot and I need to scroll around looking for what I was reading.

Using an ipad 8, brand new. Current iOS update.

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Is this on particular threads? We’ve noticed this happening on really long threads and it seems to be a bug.

It seems to happen on a lot of threads I read. I notice it the most on the threads regarding covid shots and rollout. But it happens everywhere…and it’s really annoying.

Yes, usage on my iPad can be intolerable at times. Including trying to type this response three times, jumping to “Daily Deal Meal” and EBay ads in the middle of typing.

Do we continue here, or start a new thread with the newly announced next “enhancement”?

I think you know this already…but the “all” button isn’t working when one wants to see all the subforum posts. That was handy in some places.

@CC_Jon @CC_Mike

I am actually really liking the new format.

One small issue: I cannot get up to the top of a page where “Forum” shows if I am reading a thread. It bounces down. So I hit “back” until I get to the home page again. This is on a PC.

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Can someone explain the logic behind the colored notification system?

I have several threads bookmarked but when someone posts on a thread, I don’t receive notifications on my upper right user pic (for me the letter L) either by number or dropdown list.

If I scroll “Latest Posts”, a blue number will show next to a thread that I had bookmarked. When I read it and get to the bottom where it says, “Suggested Topics” there are several other threads that I have bookmarked with blue and grey numbers next to them. What do the blue mean and what do the grey mean? Why aren’t those notifications at the on my user pic?

I log on and off throughout the day. I often just glance to see if there are any new notifications. If there are, I will go to the post, read it and possibly respond. I receive notifications when there is a new thread in forum that I am following but I don’t receive bookmarked thread notifications unless the person is replying to one of my posts or has tagged me. What is the point of bookmarking a thread (as opposed to a forum) if one doesn’t get notified when there are new posts?

Also the “1 new” type of notification that is next to some threads. What prompts that? After I read the thread the “1 new” doesn’t go away immediately. Similarly, the “since last visit” line doesn’t move if I leave a forum and then return. It doesn’t seem to track whether I’ve visited a forum or read the “1 new”

One other problem. In the previous format, if I wanted to get to the forum home screen I would click on the CC icon on the top left. Now that takes me to the CC home page not the forum homepage. Is it possible to have a shortcut to the forum home page that stays at the top?

Blue means there’s are new posts in a thread you are watching or tracking. Grey means there are unread, but not new, posts in a thread you are watching or tracking.

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The main forum page:
is still noticeably slower to load than all other pages in the forums.

Kind of different from other things mentioned here, but can we get the “helpful” reaction back? There are a solid number of threads I’ve been in lately where someone presents hard data, and “like” doesn’t seem fully appropriate but the information certainly adds something of utility to the conversation.


The “all” function still isn’t working. Please fix that.

@CC_Mike @CC_Jon is this ever going to be fixed??

It’s on the list, but I don’t have an estimate of when it will be fixed, unfortunately.

@CC_Jon well…at least it’s on the list.

Just found a rendering bug: It’s apparently impossible to use square brackets—the system interprets everything within square brackets as a tag, and so hides it. This is a problem when quoting, if you’re trying to add a word or two for context.

Actual example: I am going to following this line with a pair of carriage returns, then square brackets containing the word something, then another pair of carriage returns and more text.


In the preview it shows as square brackets surrounding something, but I predict (based on past experience) that it will show up as nothing when I post it.

Actual tags in square brackets continue to work, since that’s the way I bolded the first word in this sentence.

None of the usual escape characters I’ve tried preserve square brackets and their contents except for grave accents, and they do [weird things] with font rendering.

That’s super weird. It should pass through any BBCode it doesn’t recognize. I’ll see if we have some setting that should be disabled.

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Renders as intended on Firefox, but not on Chromium.

Here is another try that also works on Firefox, but not on Chromium:


Interesting, because I’m using Firefox (version 86.0 on a fully up to date Windows 10) and I’m seeing no bracketed text at all in your post or mine.

And I’m using Chrome Windows 10 and see brackets in both! Or am I misunderstanding the issue?

From @ucbalumnus :

From @dfbdfb :

ETA: Let me see what happens if I try it. [something]


ETA(2): I see them both.