CC is worth more?

<p>Not go to CC for a full tuition scholarship at Furman? i know most CC students would go to CC all over again if they could, and probaBLY the same exists for Furman Students. My son can go to Furman for about $ 8,000 less per year than CC, and he plans on going to extensive graduate school for at least 4 years. But he has not had the oppty to do an overnight at Furman, even though he participated in a campus visit.THE question of Fit exists at one school, but doesnt at the other. He knows he fits at CC. He loves to ski and would not have to take a plane home if he goes to CC. Prob wants to major in Biology or Bio chem. CC has cadavar and Furman has strong Chem program. Grad school will cost 24,000 a year or more. Do many people get scholarships for Grad school? Is CC worth 32,000 more to go there? SO many people on this board say to save your money for grad school. Alumni networks would exist from both schools I imagine, and are probably more located in the South for Furman and not as nationally as CC. </p>

<p>Thoughts please. I just dont know how most of these grad students pay for grad school.</p>

<p>from a choice standpoint the two sound pretty even. For 8k less per year at Furman he could fily home 8 times per year and you would still break even. More than likley it will be 3 times per year. start of school, winter break and end of school year. If you visit a couple of times per year you still break even or better.</p>

<p>for grad school, the leash is off. He will have to get student loans which is what the average student does or work part-time.</p>

<p>I recommend you visit both schools and make your pick based on where he feels if the right fit. Personally based on what Ive seen at Furman he will be OK. There’s not skiing like CC (few places have that) but there are a couple of ski resorts such as Bear Mountain in NC (I think that the name) withing a couple hour drive from FU.</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>There is no easy answer to a question like this. It depends on how much $8K/year is worth to you, the relative advantages/disadvantages of each school, and how much more your kid wants to attend the more expensive one.</p>



<p>That depends on what kind of program you mean. Yes, PhD programs in the art & sciences are often financed by fellowships. Professional schools (Law, Medical, Business) or terminal MA/MS program typically are not.</p>

<p>Suppose your son was to pay the $8K difference himself through some combination of loans and work. Would he be willing and able to do that? Or is he already maxed out for loans and work?</p>

<p>Have you tried showing Colorado College the Furman offer in a request for more aid?</p>