I had a thought the other day-- something that would make CC a little easier to use.
A new feature, the ability to add a title beneath one’s profile name, would make discussions on CC more accurate and expedient.
The website admins could limit the potential titles to:
- Parent
- High school student
- Applying this year
This title would show up (in small print) beneath the user’s profile on every post-- very similar to the ‘senior member’ or ‘junior member’ titles that exist currently.
Other forums I’ve been on give members the right to do that after, say, 100 posts. A pull-down menu of possible items would reduce the potential for misleading and jokey titles.
Yes…but then the poster would need to change that designation when the time comes. Why do we need this?
A few reasons:
<li>Even though one should never be disrespectful online, different levels of respect are generally required when speaking to an adult (parent) or highschooler. This would help users to adjust tone accordingly.</li>
<li>Often, 4-5 posts in a thread can be irrelevant, because the posters aren’t aware of the OP’s position within the admissions process. For example, in the midst of application season (such as right now) posters seem to assume that all highschoolers on the site are applying now. Over the past few days, I’ve seen misapplied application advice directed towards Sophomores or Freshman. This is merely an issue of efficiency, but it would be eliminated.</li>
<li>There would no longer be a need to preface posts with info such as ‘I’m a freshman’ or, ‘I’m applying this year,’ etc.</li>
<li>It would help CC uses to gauge the accuracy of advice given. Without generalizing too much, it is safe to say that parents on this site often give much more measured, useful advice than the (occasionally) rash highschoolers. When considering subjective issues, I know that I’d like to know at least this tiny bit of info about the people from whence my advice does come. </li>
There are others… But this should do for now. Thumper1, is changing the designation actually an issue? I don’t see that taking a poster longer than 1-2 mins. Or is this more about posters being responsible enough to change the designation when necessary?
Bemused…it took months for this forum to get post numbers and any number of other important fixes. Honestly, I would rather see CC put its time and effort into getting an iPad and iPhone application that works than adding an additional feature.
It is very easy to read a sample of past posts to determine where a person is coming from…if you cant actually figure it out from their post. And really, you will better understand the context of their post if you do.
If it’s a new poster…just ask…“are you a parent or student.” Believe it or not, some folks don’t want to divulge this information.
And you are right…we should be polite regardless.
And what designation would we give to those folks who graduated from college YEARS ago but have no kids and who just like to hang around the Parent Forum? :-S
It is an interesting idea, but I can see members abusing this by giving themselves the wrong titles (such as a high school student masquerading as a parent). Also, I’m not sure how many would actually remember to update their status when it changed.
And, yes, that is indeed a good point