CC to Calpoly SLO?

Anyone know the stats for a transfer student to get into Cal Poly SLO? I know some schools have specific attitudes about transfers, just wanted to see if there is something I didn’t know. Thanks in advance.

SLO is a tough admit if you are not within the local service area. For the best chances, a High GPA, all GE’s (the Golden Four) and major pre-req/required courses should be completed prior to applying.

What major? SLO posts their projected transfer acceptance rates each year so knowing their target enrollment by major can be helpful.

Architectural engineering, and what do you mean by “major pre-req/required courses should be completed prior to applying”? The general classes like English or other classes that are required in the first year of college?

Here is a link for the courses SLO recommends you complete prior to transfer. The more of these courses completed prior to applying, the better position you will be in for admission.

For 2018-2019, the projected acceptance rate for Architectural Engineering was 19%.

Paraphrasing @Gumbymom, transferring is all about GPA, having ALL the required classes, and as many as possible of the recommended classes as you conceivably check off.