<p>Hey, I'm starting my 2nd year of a community college, unfortunately I really screwed up on my placement testing when I first started last year so I just waived a year thru, completing pre-reqs for general Ed classes and this fall I'm starting all transfer classes, a big mistake. I'm a Pre-Med/biology major, and I'm having a difficult time choosing UC Santa Cruz or LA. If I chose UCSC, I will transfer 2013. If I chose LA, then 2014. This is really hard, I've seen UCSC a few times and I really like it there but a few students have complained that for Med School it won't really look nice compared to others such as UCI or UCB, Davis, etc. If LA, then I will be done fall of 2013 and would have to wait fall 2014 to start, meaning a good 6 months off of school, if SC, I will be in fall 2013. Which pick would be better?</p>
<p>See how well you do this year with your classes, come back at the end of Spring '12 and repost this same message (but include grades etc). In the meantime, feel free to ask about classes you should be completing towards your major. Good luck!</p>
<p>Oh, and in your extra time at CC, if you decide to wait until '14, you can take classes comparable to UCLA LIFESCI 3 and LIFESCI 4 at CC (biochem, molecular bio, and genetics). Generally, these are also transferable as part of the required Upper Division bio classes at UCI. You can also complete the entire Physics and Ochem sequence in your extra semesters, if you haven’t factored those in yet.</p>
<p>If you’re confident you can handle it, why don’t you apply for course overload and take an extra class every term. Also, take classes in the summer of '12. Maybe then, you could have all the requisites done to apply for UCLA in for 2013.</p>
<p>Don’t go to UCLA just for the sake it may look better in your med school applications. Research the schools, go to the one that best fits you and excel there. It’s not like people at UCSC don’t get into med school either.</p>