CC transfer student to UC

<p>I'm currently a CC student with a 3.1 GPA. I'm a CA resident. I've applied to UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCD, UCLA, and Cal. Unfortunately, I did not apply for TAG or TAP programs :(. I did not take any SAT tests. I have 12 years of on going community service experience plus leadership roles. I've taken quite a few honors courses. My essay prompts are pretty solid. Is there a chance that I get into NONE of the schools bc of my low GPA and not being apart of TAG/TAP? Which ones do I have more likely a chance to get into with a sociology major?</p>

<p>Also, USC's deadline for transfers is FEB2, should I just apply for there too? My secondary considered major is French.. but my GPA is so LOW!</p>

<p>BTW I have quite a few W's, but I also explained my "leave" for school for a semester due to work. I've had friends that didn't get accepted into a certain school just because of the W's alone!</p>

<p>what’s your major?</p>


yes, but slim. Apply to any csu’s?</p>

<p>just out of curiosity, what is the average GPA for non-UCLA/UCB UC’s such as the ones that the OP mentions?</p>

<p>why not:</p>

<p>[University</a> of California: StatFinder](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>thanks, never knew that site existed.</p>

<p>TrickyDonna, another thing to consider is the trend in grades.</p>

<p>Based on talking to counselors and reading acceptance stories on this forum, it seems like an upward trend will put you ahead of other people in the 3.1 category. </p>

<p>Going from F’s to A’s may look more favorably to the admissions than someone who gets straight B’s from the start or the worst scenario which would be a downward trend from A’s to F’s.</p>

<p>How’s your trend?</p>

<p>I’m a sociology major. </p>

<p>I can get into ALL of the CSUs with my GPA, I applied already. But since I spent a lot of time taking a few honors courses and busting my GPA up, I thought… why not give the UCs a try.</p>

<p>Well my GPA is a bit complicated. My first semester at CC was a 3.3 and the next 2 semesters after that I had Ws, Fs & Ds. But I retook the F’s and D’s so my GPA went back up. After that my GPA was about the same every semester… A’s & B’s.</p>

<p>thanks for responding you guys… these next few months are killing me and I’m just dying for my answers. I’m just really worried bc I don’t think my GPA shows who I am as a student at all! I explained my downfall my first few semesters in CC in my essays so I hope that helped…</p>

<p>oh also… It states after applying to the UCs… </p>

<p>In keeping with its mission as a public university, the University of California will make every effort to offer admission to one of its campuses to every qualified California resident</p>

<p>does anyone know what they mean by “qualified” CA resident means? I’ve lived in CA my entire life, I have above a 3.0…</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that the quote from UC’s making every effort to offer admission is applicable only if you apply to all 9 campuses. Otherwise, we’d all just apply to LA and Berk!</p>

<p>Hi! Don’t get discouraged. Your GPA seems competitive for UCI, UCR, and UCSB. Also, I wouldn’t waste my time with USC. They average the F’s and the second grade so your calculated GPA will be lower there. </p>

<p>I think every situation is different. Maybe your friends didn’t get in with W’s because it wasn’t explained in their personal statement. There are others that have gotten into UCLA with more than 10 W’s. I’m not really in the position to judge, as I don’t know what school I’ve been accepted to yet. But in my opinion, you should look at the stats for those admitted to the sociology major at the UC campuses and see where you fit in. Just try your best and have realistic expectations.</p>

<p>Ws do not matter</p>

<p>3.1 would have been high enough to sign a TAG so in that case i would say you would be in at UCSD as well as UCI UCR and UCSB</p>

<p>In terms of UCLA and UCB , your GPA is too low to make you competative.</p>