Hello all, it has been a good while since I have been on this website aha.
Well if anybody has been keeping up with my posts I am currently attending a community college and plan to transfer, the question is where. I am barely on my first semester so I have time to decide. Any advice?
I don’t mind the cost or distance, but preferably in state (California), My major is Computer Science,specifically for video game programming.
Preferably not in the middle of nowhere.
Somewhere I can probably get into with a 3.0 GPA, and regular ECs.
Tell us more.
Do you qualify for a Cal Grant? Pell Grant?
Do you prefer a CSU or a UC?
How much will your parents contribute each year?
For the CSU’s, this link may help with average transfer GPA by campus. It is 2017 data so not this year’s data:
For the UC’s, Transfer GPA by campus and major and again 2017 data:
I qualify for both the Pell Grant and Cal Grant. I dont really have a preference between UC or CSU. My parents can probably contribute 3-4k a year, but they wouldn’t mind taking out loans.
SF state and CSUEB are worth a look.