CCers in T-Town August 2013

<p>Okay all y’all !!!</p>

<p>I will be there Aug 7 through 18th.</p>

<p>I will send you texts of gatherings ( Impromptu and pre-planned) if you want to pm me your info and dates you will be in town.</p>

<p>I anticipate a couple of happy hours, meet ups at the Ferg Starbucks and maybe an Open House!</p>

<p>Let me know what you want to do…</p>

<p>we will only be popping in on aug 1-2 and aug 6, so we will miss the fun.</p>

<p>I will be there Aug 16-18</p>

<p>Is anyone flying out of Bham on the 18th?</p>

<p>Yes. Our flight departs at 11:00am on the 18th.</p>

<p>Pooh, why did I schedule a 9:35 am flight??? Going to see if anyone wanted/needed to carpool</p>

<p>I will also be there Aug 1-2 to move D from Lakeside to Tut.<br>
Maybe some of us can get together on Aug 1 for dinner?
Rolltide90 will be there at that time as well.</p>

<p>On Aug 16 at 1:00:01 pm I will be slowing the RAV4 down to 10 mph and telling DS to “tuck and roll” as I nudge him out the proverbial nest in front of Riverside West.</p>

<p>We live close enough so it’s only a day trip for move in, so I can’t commit to a CC meet-up. </p>

<p>I’d like to try and find a few of you on family weekend. Maybe I’ll organize a Clueless-Dad beer and wings safe haven event?</p>

<p>I think MissRead has promised us vanilla vodka cocktails.</p>

<p>Bill, don’t burn too much rubber pulling out of Riverside. The UAPD has been patrolling pretty heavy when I’ve been there.</p>

<p>Cocktails…did someone say cocktails? I’m in :)</p>

<p>C2M, when will you be in town? I’ll bring t-shirts for son and NRDSON as well. Won’t tell D. That way she will be freaked out to no end when she sees 2 good looking, very smart guys walking around UA sporting t’s from an event she is heavily involved in. ;)</p>

<p>We will be there for regular move-in weekend - arriving some time on Friday and leaving some time on Sunday. We’re driving so no set plan yet (aside from the cocktails).</p>

<p>TXA, I admire your ambition to get the CC folks together. That said, last year I tried to meet up with just one mom and her D for a few short minutes - at the dorm - and that almost didn’t happen. Move-in is hell and plans to meet up quickly evaporate - much like one’s sanity at move-in.</p>

<p>I’m all in for cocktails, :slight_smile: </p>

<p>SOOOOOO glad we get to miss the whole normal move in!!!
Thank you D and thank you Early College Summer II</p>

<p>Hmmm. I tell my CC friends I’m planning on shoving my kiddo out of a moving car, and I receive helpful warnings about campus police speeding tickets.</p>

<p>I love this place!</p>

<p>DS and I are headed in on Aug 7 th…trying to decide how long to stay…I see some are staying for several days. DS will be a long way from home…I want to stay long enough to make sure he is set. But dont want to “hover”. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>txbamamom, stay as long as you want. Enjoy Tuscaloosa, go to a concert at the amphitheater, dine out (great dining options in town), explore T-town on your own. Go into Bham and shop at the Galleria, take in a baseball game, whatever. If, or rather when he calls saying he needs something, you are going to be too busy and involved to just run and take care of whatever it is. Get to it when you have time. Then, at some point when he says he is bored and there is nothing to do, you have a ton of options for him as you have done them all. :)</p>

<p>We are arriving late Aug 8 staying until early Aug 12th.</p>

<p>txbamamom - when we moved our daughter in the first time, we arrived on friday night and left sunday afternoon. to me, that is about the right amount of time. i think it is good to get them set up, stay a reasonable amount of time and then leave. then they are free to hang out with their new roomies/friends</p>

<p>if there is any separation drama, no need to prolong it.</p>

<p>We will be in T-town Aug 1 & 2 and then back to move D in on the 6th. I agree with MikeW, a clean break will be better…regardless of how much I want to be there it is about what is best for D. This is her time not mine.</p>

<p>When we moved D in to start, her whole college thing started during Summer II, we moved her in on Tuesday morning at her alloted time of 8:00am. Mandatory lunch with parent/student meeting at 11:30. Done with lunch/meeting at 1:00. Went to Target for a few things. Back to her room to finish up. Left Tuscaloosa by 3:30. It was pretty whirlwind. I would have preferred at least one more night for us to catch our breath.</p>

<p>We go move her from summer dorm to fall dorm on Aug 1-2. She gets to move in on the morning of Aug 2. Then dorm locks at 1:00 pm and we have to be out. She is riding back home with us then flying her back solo on the 8th. I’ll be back on the 16th.</p>

<p>Txbamamom, like MikeW, when we moved our son in last year for his first year at Bama, we arrived Friday late afternoon and left Sunday afternoon. It was perfect. Plenty of time to get him settled, enjoy the area a bit, etc…We didn’t feel rushed, yet we didn’t feel we had over stayed our welcome. This year? Well, son says we can bascially just drop him off - UGH! What a difference a year makes! It kind of makes me sad, but it also is a relief that he feels so at home there! Anyhow, we live 13 hours away so needless to say, we will NOT just drop him off! He will just have to get over it. :slight_smile: However, we won’t be staying as long as last year…</p>

<p>We are arriving around dinner time on the 16th, moving him in at 10am on the 17th and plan to leave around dinner time that same day. With this being his second year he has pretty much everything he needs, so there won’t be multiple visits to Target this year. Also, he is living in a different dorm, but the same room in the suite as last year, so we will quickly know where everything goes. </p>

<p>Good luck with move in!</p>

<p>Another vote for arriving Friday night and leaving Sunday after breakfast - but this is aimed for the parents who have a distance to travel. If I were 3 hours away or so, I’d maybe plan to spend one night, maybe not, depending on if you need to shop in town. After driving 12 hours one way, I need a full day in town to recover and then turn back to do the 12 hours home.</p>

<p>I’m not even going this year, just sending my husband with my son. Last year I wouldn’t even THINK of not going. A year makes a big difference for me too!</p>