Cds 2009-10

<p>CC recently posted the CDS for the class entering last fall: Common</a> Data Set</p>

<p>It's in an Excel spreadsheet, though, and I can't figure out how to navigate from the first section to the part with SAT scores, etc. The site says to use the "bookmark tab" but I don't see one.</p>

<p>The new class has even less racial/ethnic diversity than the previous one, with the total of AA, Hisp., Asian, and NA students falling from 20% to 11.2%. This at a time when everyone else is trying to boost diversity. What's up with that?</p>

<p>sunmachine, have you tried readjusting your window size to see if that makes the tabs appear at the bottom?</p>


<p>2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 5 yr av.</p>

<p>Nonresident Aliens 4/ 9/ 18/ 27/ 18/ 15.2</p>

<p>Black, non-Hispanic 18/ 10/ 11/ 9/ 12/ 12.0</p>

<p>American In 5/ 3/ 3/ 6/ 6/ 4.6</p>

<p>Asian 23/ 22/ 34/ 45/ 35/ 31.8</p>

<p>Hispanic 38/ 36/ 29/ 50/ 26/ 35.8</p>

<p>unknown 12/ 18/ 16/ 19/ 13/ 15.6</p>

<p>TOTAL in class 469 492 524 550 526</p>

<p>It seems to be a little different on a 5 year basis. 2009 has the 2nd highest # of each catagory (except Hispanic, unknown and Am Indian) in the 5 year time under consideration.</p>