<p>extremely late post, but i received a postcard inviting me to "Celebrating Women in Engineering" on 2/29. it was an event held on march 15. did anyone else get this invite? did anyone attend?</p>
<p>Yes, I did attend the event.</p>
<p>Here is a gist about the event:
I thought based on the event title that it was for prospectives and also current UCB women engineers. But the invite was only for prospectives. About 200+ parents and prospective students attended.
They started with the disclaimer that admission decisions are not out and we will know in 10+ days and admission decisions are made by the admissions office. This is more for prospectives to understand what UCB has to offer to women interested in engineering.
They had the Dean talk, followed by a panel of faculty, a panel of current students and then a panel of alumni. That was followed by a break and visits to the department of interest. They did mention that women students at UCB Engr. reached a peak of 24% in 2003 (I think 2003) and was only 19% last year. They are making efforts to get the numbers higher.</p>
<p>All in all it was a UCB recruiting effort to pitch why women interested in engineering should attend UCB. There was clearly a "why UCB" rather than "why women should consider engineering" in the pitch and no hint at all on who got invited.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for the info. :)</p>