<p>I'm trying to sign up for CH301. I currently am signed up for Sutcliffe's class. Any opinions on her or which professors are best?</p>
<p>Laude is the best. Look on Myedu or on CIS for reviews/ratings on which profs are the best.</p>
<p>I’m also registered for Sutcliffe next semester. I’ve heard good things about her. I’m hoping for her class to not be difficult</p>
<p>Laude is hard to get into - rumored unofficial waitlists form well before registration. I had Sutcliffe last semester and she was great - helpful during office OH, generous extra credit options, fun demonstrations, and just an overall love for the subject that she displays that keeps you interested. For me there were only 2 downsides - her TA was a jerk, but he might not be there next semester, and she doesn’t give any practice quizzes or exams to help you study and get more practice. But I solved that by accessing the materials Laude has online for his students (public website).</p>
<p>I was wanting to get into Laude but it was closed, should I keep checking back every day at 8 am? Or is not likely to open up? Plus, will I be barred from Closed classes anyway? The counselor told me I was past by Add/Drop date and that even if closed classes opened up anyway, I would not be able to get in. Is that true?</p>