<p>im sorry, theres no way. there are way too many qualified minorities applying to mit and other top schools. honestly i dont understand why you'd wanna go there anyway considering its a math school and you seem to lack great intrinsic ability in it.</p>

<p>hey, have you found out yet? hope it went well, and if not, no worries (you can always get those scores up and transfer! ) hope all goes well! :D</p>

<p>lol, u need to increase your SAT score for sure in order to get in, but good luck..</p>

<p>even if you were a first generation, native american, cancer-surviving, charity giving, national competiton winner your chances would still be slim</p>

<p>Shut up, afroninja.</p>

<p>You have to take a Math SAT II.
and MIT is trying to change it's persona as a solely technical school. It does appreciate EC's too. But to be honest they do really look at scores and such.
If you really want it, go for it. If they reject you, then it's their loss.</p>

<p>I'm applying to MIT too and my interviewer told me after a candidate can prove they can handle the course work its up to their ECs, etc.</p>

<p>i would say you have a GREAT shot IF you can raise ur SAT Is and IIs.. (it competitive i know!) i would consider taking the ACTs in febuary .. </p>

<p>ur ECs seem pretty substantial..URM might help you.. I know MIT loves to see it when people enjoy helping out (interviewer told me that).. i hope ur interview went well cause that will help.. your essay could be interesting however i hope its not cliche or naive and its really honest and heartfelt (talking about vacations, or trips abroad can seem very pretentious if not done right.. however you strike me as someone who has a level head so i hope this isnt the case with yours).. good luck! </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> (chance me ppl)</p>

<p>Hmmm... I think people are being pretty harsh on you, you're obviously a good, smart kid. I think your grades are pretty decent and your URM status will help, but I do have to agree... they aren't going to overlook a 590 on the Math. Maybe if you could sign up for the January SAT really quick and study ridiculously hard for the Math section until the date... I mean, even if you have to pay the standby registration fee, who cares? If you get your math up to like at least a 650 I'd say you have a shot. I do agree. If you have the money, apply and risk rejection. If you don't, apply, get a fee waiver, and risk rejection. The worst that can happen is rejection. Expect it. But maybe you'll get lucky.</p>

<p>Just retake the SAT. Although the scores do not define you, despite what some people may think, if you can get a 650+ score on the SAT you will improve your chances. </p>

<p>If you really break down the score curve, the difference between a 590 and a 700 in SAT math is about 9-11 questions, so just focus on improving at the little things e.g. Is your algebra as good as it can be? Do you spend your time wisely in the exam or stress about the hard questions? </p>

<p>At the end of the day, remember that the difference between your score and a 700 is not that much. Don't give up because you had a bad test because, as you probably know, in real life there are no time limits.</p>

<p>I'm not sure what MIT's admissions policy is, but some people are just plain bad/unlucky with the SAT. Have you considered taking the ACT? Often people who perform poorly for the SATs find themselves doing better in the ACTs, and vice versa.
And also, ignore the people who are dissing your SAT score. Really, screw them.</p>

I know someone last year who is hispanic and was admitted to MIT with a Sat score in the 1800's and sat two score sin math and science below 700 and quite frankly he wasn't smart</p>

<p>great, all your saying is that the op is not qualified for MIT. Oh wait thats actually the case!</p>

<p>it's not a question of is he qualified but a question of will he get in? ...and how do you know hes not qualified?? because of a test?? ,,sadly enough..who cares if you deserved to be long as you get in</p>

<p>"who cares if you deserved to be long as you get in"</p>

<p>with thinking like that... :( (tsk tsks...)</p>

<p>thats not my thinking..and i said sadly enough....... i mean if you said some URMs don't deserve to get in..what about athletes, money donors, and legacies...</p>

<p>listen, in another thread they were talking about how there are urm's that dont deserve to even have the chance to apply to top colleges. im not saying that he shouldnt apply to ivies which have an arguably more liberal arts feel. im just saying that with a 590, he shouldn't even be condering mit because
1)mit cannot bear to put that much of a blemish on its score stats
2)because a 590 clearly demonstrates, imo, that the op does not belong at a technical school</p>

<p>Maybe your right.. you could be absolutely right.. BUT .. I'm saying if he got in... for some reason it wouldn't shock me...</p>

<p>"thats not my thinking..and i said sadly enough....... i mean if you said some URMs don't deserve to get in..what about athletes, money donors, and legacies..."</p>

<p>i didn't mean that you in particular think that way, i just meant that it's sad that there are people who hold that belief...and i'm sure many of the people (urms, orms, legacies, athletes, etc.) who get into certain colleges don't necessairly "deserve" to get in-well, no one "deserves" an acceptance... but, as the saying goes, "life isn't fair", and colleges aren't exactly meritocracies, so... i guess people just need to deal with whatever happens. everything happens for a reason, right?</p>

<p>....oh yeah, sorry if any of that was unclear, but i'm seriously semi-conscious right now... :) oh, and i missed the "sadly enough" part of your post-sorry!</p>

<p>how do you quote stuff in that little box thats like engraved lol. whats the code</p>

<p>LOLS we need to chill out...lmao.. well me..ahh senior year is stressful.. anyways.. good luck to the OP and everyone else.. btw i see beefs that you're a part of UChicago 20112. congrats</p>

<p>ohh yeah and arachnophobia12 no needs to be sorry. its cool</p>