Chance a creative writer from Mexico for the Ivies! [US+MX citizen, 3.9 GPA, 34 ACT; social anthropology, global business, international relations]

This is a carry over from this thread a junior with unusual circumstances [US citizen homeschooled in a small town in Mexico] - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums and I wanted to post a chance me now that I’m applying to colleges and have solid test scores.


  • Domestic student living in a small town in Mexico with a lot of American expat families, about 1-25 kids from the local high school (both Mexicans and Americans) apply to colleges in the US a year. There have been a handful of people who’ve gotten into prestigious LACs over the past several years, but those are exceptions and nobody that I know of is currently applying to selective colleges.
  • Extracurriculars for teens are practically nonexistent here
  • Hispanic/White, dual citizen
  • Homeschooled

Intended Major(s) Social Anthropology or Global Business/International Relations

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.9
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 34 ACT


  • Honors Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Honors Calculus
  • Honors Daily Life in the Ancient World & Comparative Religions (semester block classes), Honors World History, Honors History and Culture of Mexico (in Spanish), Honors Global Issues & Politics. I took US History in 8th grade and I put that as a note on the transcript.
  • Biology, Astrobiology, Chemistry (all lab science)
  • Honors French all 4 years
  • Honors Philosophy as Literature, Honors World Literature, Honors Latin American Literature (in Spanish), Honors Literary Theory and Criticism
  • Electives: Painting & Photography (semester block courses), Honors Analysis of Human Nature, Honors Central Asian Studies & Tocharian (semester course), Honors Art History, Fashion in History, Russian I, Guitar, Acting. Will do a senior project on mythology in the spring semester.

All of my courses are described in detail in my application, including textbooks, books read, resources, etc.


  • Publication in a bunch of selective literary magazines
  • Currently expecting results from a bunch of competitions I applied to, and I am also
    planning to publish a history research paper. I will send the colleges an update letter in 2024 with any new honors I’ve received.

(Include leadership, summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)

  • Wrote 2 full-length novels, received manuscript requests from literary agents, working on a novella. I’ve been publishing some of my work online and have garnered a relatively big following on a creative writing platform.
  • Founder of an online business that creates high school humanities curriculums complete with tests, projects, and assignments. I’ve also dedicated hours of research on how to create rigorous courses all on my own.
  • EIC and Founder of a literary magazine
  • Writer & editor at a few student writing platforms
  • Contemporary dancer, practice for 8 hours a week
  • Recreation (exercise, pilates, yoga) for about 4-5 hours a week, although this depends on my dance schedule
  • Attended an informal arts summer camp in 2020, attended my local writers conference this year
  • Was an active member of a teen outdoor activity group in freshman and sophomore year
  • Some informal modeling
  • Other smaller ECs that don’t really matter (I was briefly a part of a book club and I did some babysitting freshman year).


  • Essays – 9/10
  • LoRs – 8/10

Cost Constraints / Budget
All of these schools meet my financial need

(List of colleges by your initial chance estimate; designate if applying ED/EA/RD; if a scholarship is necessary for affordability, indicate that you are aiming for a scholarship and use the scholarship chance to estimate it into the appropriate group below)

  • Safety (certain admission and affordability): Colleges in Mexico
  • Likely (would be possible, but very unlikely or surprising, for it not to admit or be affordable)
  • High Match: Hamilton College , Middlebury College
  • Reach: Yale University, Dartmouth College, Princeton University, Stanford University, Harvard University, Georgetown University

OMG it doesnt let me send links :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: – I meant this post – Match a Junior with Unusual Circumstances (US Citizen Homeschooled in a small town in Mexico)

I hate how it doesn’t let you edit posts

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Your profile is interesting. Are you looking to add more U.S. colleges to your list? For example, University of Iowa is very well regarded for writing and would be a much easier admit than those on your current list. I know you didn’t say this was your intended major, but your profile really speaks to this.


Are you talking about this thread? If so, why didn’t you use the same log in as your original post?

I lost the account information haha

Well, you can see the account name from the link. Reset your password if needed. But Terms of Service prohibits multiple accounts. Repost under your original account