Chance a Deferee?

<p>Sat1 M780, R780 W770 1560/2330
ACT: 32 (math section was 35)
Sat II : Math2c: 740 Bio:710 US History: 790
Unweighted GPA : 3.843 Weighted (5 scale): 5.42
AP's: Bio 5, Comp Sci 5, Chem 5, US History 5, EU History 4
Course Load: most rigorous, always filled schedule with only honors and aps, taking all the available aps right now
Ranking: Top 10 percent (the only ranking my school has)</p>

I started my own DJ enterprise, legitamite business, have done barmitzvahs, fundraisers, sweet sixteens everything, have two hired people under me</p>

<p>Model UN 10 and 11 grade</p>

<p>Boxing since 11 Grade</p>

<p>Student Government for all of highschool, currently president of my school</p>

<p>last summer did immersion program in spain to learn language, culture, and an optional leadership program</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Self Employed
Worked at my parents company every summer for a month, 40 hours a week doing sales and interning with accounting</p>

Rensselaer Medal: for outstanding achievement in math and science
a few honor roll awards and awards for outstanding work</p>

<p>I am American born, but a full Israeli family, i speak hebrew at home, am trilingual (italian, hebrew, english)</p>

<p>I was deferred from UPenn ED at the engineering school (4 kids, all with worst stats got in due to a lot of legacy and such)
already in: Notre Dame (notre dame scholar), University of Chicago</p>

<p>i was wondering what you guys were thinking for</p>

<p>UPenn, Dartmouth, Duke, Stanford, Harvard, Princeton
haha, i really hope i dont have to get 6 rejection letters at once :/</p>

<p>I think everyone here will probably tell you the same thing. You have the stats, but it’s somewhat of a crapshoot. Amazing SAT score, good ACT score, good grades, APs, and classes, just okay-sounding EC’s. I hope you wrote awesome essays.</p>

<p>u think i could be getting an acceptance letter from at least one of those colleges?</p>

<p>yeah north_face is right, many qualified pppl like u wont get into their schools</p>

<p>if anything holds u back it would be that ur ec are not that unique/spectacular, im shocked u got deferred from upenn</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>yes i think you could very well get an acceptance letter from one. gl~</p>

<p>anyone else? haha, i really really hope i dont get six rejections at once, that would pretty much break my heart</p>

<p>decent chance at dartmouth and duke
others are less likely, but possible</p>

<p>your stats are great, but ECs are lacking (compared to other Ivy applicants, of course )</p>

<p>but you already have great choices, so dont be too disappointed if you dont get in :)</p>

<p>chance me?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>no way are you getting 6 rejections, id say ur fine with 3 of them
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you are an ND scholar and accepted to University of Chicago you are definately NOT going to be denied to ALL of those schools. Of course, no one here can really tell you because none of us work in an admissions office, I don’t think, but ND and U of Chicago are pretty tough to get into.</p>

<p>Re: the UPenn engineering. You probably still have a chance regular decision. The thing with popular majors and applying to them early is that you basically have to be a perfect applicant to get in. </p>

<p>Could you rank for us–if you got into all of your schools–all paid 100% which ones you would want to go to more?</p>

<p>1) Princeton
2) Stanford
3) Harvard
4) UPenn
5) Duke
6) Dartmouth
7) Chicago
8) ND</p>

<p>haha thanks for all the comments,
it kinda seems like a big possibility that ill get the 6 thin envolopes though
those are cream of the crop schools, and i love chicago and ND so its not really that bad if i do</p>

<p>I got a thin envelope as an acceptance to an honors proram at a college.
Provided it was Pace University, which most of you guys probably haven’t even heard of LOL.</p>

<p>ack, so nervous, only 2 more weeks till second quarter ends
so ill be having a 4.0 senior year
with the classes of
AP Psych, AP Physics, AP Calc BC, AP Macro, AP English</p>