Chance a foreigner?

<p>Hey guys i'm from New Zealand a small island/country at the bottom of the world please chance me keeping in mind that most of the stuff is new to me. here goes</p>

<p>Sat 1
CR- 610
Math- 800
Writing- 670
(that was my first time sitting it, sitting once more this january)</p>

<p>SAT 2 (one off testing)
Maths 2c- 800
Chemistry- 800
Physics- 800</p>

<p>AP (not school course so self study)
Physics B- 5
Calculus AB- 5
Chemistry- 5</p>

Future prob solving nationals
Chamber music comp finals
Interschool chess comp 3rd
2 National olympiad comps
6 distinction awards for sci and maths (top 5%)
3 high distinction awards for maths and sci and chem (top 1%)</p>

<p>GPA of 94% which translates to 3.76/4 (NCEA english is rigged)
ranked 6/600 (school ranked me lower than the 4th and 5th ranking girls who got 89 and 90 % gpa.. -_- school is very subjective)</p>

<p>applying to:
u Chicago
North Western
Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>Also really poor so applying for aid to all ofem and for international it's not need blind so chances decrease for most schools</p>


<p>Since English is your first language I assume, you’ll need to raise the CR score significantly for most of your schools.</p>

<p>Quite a few top New Zealand and Australian students on CC applying to the top Ivies this year.</p>

<p>All your distinction awards really help–as do the SAT IIs. Obviously, the 610 SAT CR and the relatively few AP courses hurt at the really top schools, but the fact that you had to study for them yourself and that you got fives in all of them is quite impressive.</p>

<p>MIT–Slight Reach
Upenn–Match (except at Wharton, where you are Match to Slight Reach)
UnivChicago–Match (although depends upon essays)
Dartmouth–Match to Slight Reach (really borderline, but I’d say closer to Match)
Carnegie Mellon–Match</p>

<p>Thanks for the contribution</p>

<p>@ Calcruzer</p>

<p>Does your predictions account for me getting a (hopefully) higher mark for the CR in the Jan SAT exam?
That plus my essays are pretty crud… It sounds so cheesy and fake</p>