Chance a nervous wreck! I'll chance you back!

<p>I just finished submitting my applications and am nervous about my low math SAT score. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>SAT: Writing 800 Crit Reading 740 Math 640
SAT Subjects: Literature 780 US History 710
GPA: 4.75 Weighted
Rank: 8 out 275 (top 3% at a competetive private school)
I took AP Biology as a sophomore and AP Chemistry as a junior. I took AP US History I as a sophomore and AP US History II as a junior. I have taken all available honors course at my school. Currently, I am taking AP Psychology, AP European History, AP Calculus AB and AP Literature.
4 on AP Bio test
4 on AP US History test
(Did not report my AP Chem score because it was LOW.)
Captain of my cross-country team.
Varsity Winter and Spring Track
Homeroom Representative (My school's version of Student Council) all four years of high school.
Volunteer about 5 hrs a week and even more in the summer for The Jerry Leary Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping needy kids in my area.
Was an active volunteer and High School Representative for the Obama Campaign.
Write editorials on politics and articles on XC/track for my school paper.
Attended Georgetown University's weeklong program on Politics and Public Affairs this summer.
Member of the National Honors Society, Spanish National Honors Society and a National Merit Semifinalist. Recieved my high school's Scholar Athlete Award last year.
My essay is about the time I had to perform in front of the school at a pep rally. I think its pretty rad. My personal statement is about my passion for cross-country and how I was afraid I would be called a loser for being a runner when I was a freshman but now understand its more important to do what you love than to be 'cool.'
My teacher and counselor reccomendations are pretty good, as far as I know. My AP US history teacher said the reccomendation she wrote for me is one of the best she's ever written.
I get all A's and A+'s in my subjects, except science where I've gotten B+'s every year.</p>

<p>Here are the schools I applied to:</p>

<p>Georgetown (early action)
George Washington
Washington and Lee
Boston College
Boston University

<p>What do you think my chances are at these schools despite my subpar math score? Since I'm applying as a PoliSci major do you think it makes less of an impact?</p>

<p>PS: G-town is my top choice. I was deferred early action so I sent in a letter explaining why I really want to go there and an additional reccomendation from my high school's assistant principal who is also my AP Psychology teacher. I saw it and it is basically a rave, talking about how in forty years of teaching at my school I am one of the most talented individuals he has ever met. Do you think this will help my chances in regular decision?</p>

<p>match. georgetown is my dream law school! good luck</p>

<p>you will probably get into georgetown, or at least i would bet on it. it seems to be your match. same with the other schools. nice</p>

<p>chance me? :slight_smile:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yeah, you’ll probably get in basically anywhere for sure.</p>

<p>Chance me back at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Georgetown (early action) MATCH
George Washington (?)
American (?)
Washington and Lee MATCH
Boston College (?)
Boston University (?)
Northeastern EASY MATCH
Villanova EASY MATCH your scores are way above
Dartmouth HIGH MATCH/REACH but I would say you have a decent chance

<p>Chance me back? i’m also a nervous wreck :)</p>

<p>Well your transcript seems fine, your gpa and rank are good, you have a lot of ec’s… I think you have a really good shot at all of them. </p>

<p>I agree with sammy09. You’re IN at GW, American, BU. HIGH MATCH for BC.</p>

<p>Wanna <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;?&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks guys! Keep them coming-- I’ll chance back!</p>

<p>buuuuuuuuuuuuumo. More please! I’ll chance back!</p>

<p>All of the schools that you’ve listed are matches except for Brown would be a reach school. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The only schools that might give you some problems are brown, emory, and nyu. Since you’ve good scores, ecs, grades, and you’ve shown interest, you’ll probably get into georgetown. The rest of the schools are matches that you should get into.</p>

<p>Chance me?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>As everybody else said, you have a great shot at most of these, and the SAT math score does hurt, but if your applying into a field with little or no math, it shouldn’t hurt too much. I think you’ll get into Georgetown, but as its not a low match or fallback, anything is possible. I agree with Sammy09 on all the others, except I feel Dartmouth is also a reach, not high match/reach. However, just as anything can happen negatively, so can anything happen positively, so you can definately get into your high matches and reaches, it just depends on essays and recs.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;