Chance a OOS(CA) CC transfer student for TexasA&M Petroleum Engineering

<p>I am applying for the fall 2014 admission from a California CC. I will maintain my 4.0 and will have completed all the required courses. If it matters I am taking 25 units in spring. I have outstanding ECs related to my major and may include recommendation letters even though they are not required. I have some extensive engineering experience on vehicles. On top of that, I have had years of experience installing and distilling bio-diesel fuel. The only recommended courses I may be missing is a geology lab and technical writing. Even though my counselors say I have a very good chance of getting in I am skeptical because their focus is mainly on California colleges. What else do admissions look for in transfer students? I do not know what else I could include to make my application more competitive but any advice would be great. Also, in case it matters, I am taking many courses right now and wont be able to submit until around February 11th. Will this be a problem with the rolling admissions or nothing to worry about? Thank you in advance.</p>