Chance a rising senior with a reachy list for polysci + suggest safeties and matches?

Congrats on all you did b4 which was impressive - but now is off the charts.

Let us know after you hear - it’s always nice to see the end results of chains that people have invested their time in.

Thanks to @cquin85 for revisiting.


thank you so much!! and of course :]

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Best of luck. I think that the list will work out for you. Please post your admits when the time comes. Lot of people here pulling for :pray:you. :+1: :kissing_heart:


thank you so much!! just one more month and my decisions will start rolling in, with Gates finalists first, and UW will be my first actual college decision.

I guess one little update? not selected as a Jack Kent Cooke semifinalist today, but my application was very rushed and I would have felt worse if I had gotten it LOL.


slight update even though this is only one decision of many: I got into UW last night with a 4.2k purple & gold scholarship! I did get rejected from the Gates scholarship a couple of days ago though so I can’t afford it lol


Still a good get - UW wasn’t going to be affordable out of state - but you have your UCs/CSUs and I forget if you applied to Arizona (which since you need $$ would be smarter than ASU).

And you still have your meets needs schools - like Reed, etc. that are certainly possible.

Keep us informed - UW is a nice get but probably wasn’t realistic from an affordability POV - but a confidence booster for sure.

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hi!! I think I posted my updated list somewhere upthread but I didn’t apply to cal states, Arizona, or Reed. my schools are all reachy reachy but if I can get into UC Davis (next highest acceptance rate) or UCSD with good fin aid I will be absolutely happy. but I do agree, UW affirmed my ability to get in somewhere even if it isn’t affordable in the slightest.

my list right now is:

  • UW (accepted, 4.2k/year)
  • UCLA + UCSD - should come out the 18th
  • UC Berkeley - comes out 24th
  • UC Davis - should be sometime next week
  • UCSB - comes out 22nd
  • Boston U - comes out 26th
  • WashU, Tufts, CMU - sometime in late March
  • Yale, Princeton, Harvard, UPenn, Brown, Columbia, UNC-CH - comes out 31st
  • Stanford - comes out April 1st
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What is your safety? Why didn’t you do Arizona or Reed?

There’s no safety on your list.

You can always add Arizona - I mean, it’s geographically not that off from a UC and will be cheaper than a UC.

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Can you refresh our memories on a few things? What is your FAFSA EFC? Do you qualify for Pell Grant? Cal Grant?

Are the NPCs of the meet full need schools affordable?

From first message:

I am low-income enough for QB. I don’t have all my numbers yet but it looks like I will be 0 EFC or close to it.

UC GPA 4.33.

I think SAT is now 1520 - although that’s for the non-UC schools of course. Originally was 1470.

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I saw that…just looking for updates, since FAFSA EFC should be known now. Would also be helpful to know the NPC results.

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Re: Arizona and Reed - my parents were opposed to Arizona and I turned out not liking Reed all that much.

No safety - I know, and that’s the unfortunate situation I’m in right now and unless I go around my parents there’s no way out of it.

My FAFSA EFC is 2889, and I qualify for both (hence Gates eligibility). I think I received the highest aid available for Cal Grant. The NPCs for full-need-met schools are very affordable, with the most expensive being 3.5k in loans. Most/all of them ask for student contributions and work-study which is to be expected.

Also, @tsbna44 is correct about my GPA and SAT scores.

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With that EFC, I don’t think Arizona would be less expensive than an in-state public university. In addition to any other reasons your parents might have had, that’s probably an additional reason why your parents eliminated it.

I don’t think that’s why.

The parents are immigrants and look at the list. No CSU as a safety, etc.

What I’ve heard many a student post on the CC, immigrant parents are often about the pedigree for their kids.


@tsbna44 is correct, my parents (dad especially) even look down on schools with a caliber like BU, Tufts, WashU, etc. I think they retroactively understood the importance of having safeties when I went into March without a single acceptance but of course it’s too late for a safety they like – in my case, UC Riverside, since I brought up that decisions were out last week and they said I should have applied for a safety net. Which is exactly what I said in late November.

That’s my point - you still can - Arizona, Alabama, and more- and save them a boatload of $$ to boot - or community college or the pricepoint of UW which you never should have applied to from an affordability POV - not that you can afford the others but they are reasonable.

Your dad is mistaken - successes come from every flagship in the country and then some but we all have our “perceptions.”

I hope an affordable school on your list comes in for you. Getting into UW bodes well. I’m surprised your dad doesn’t look down on Davis, etc. - anything beyond the two best known UCs.

Best of luck.


update (this may get annoying since i have 16 more to go): accepted to UC Davis !! 1.5k First-Year Aggie Scholarship too, but there’s 8-ish-k in loans in my fin aid package. not too bad honestly. I was kinda surprised I got in because my best friend got WLed.



This must be a great load off your mind.

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