chance a small town kid (with big dreams!)

<p>(Okay! So with SATII scores finally coming in I have pretty much all the info I'll have for colleges, so here's a cannibalized, updated version of a chances thread that I posted wayyyy back.)</p>

<p>SAT - 750 CR / 700 M / 690 W
(For some reason I mangled the writing section... I actually think writing is my forte, hopefully colleges will just consider the other 2 sections? )</p>

<p>SATII - 800 literature / 720 Math II / 710 U.S. History (took these tests this month, as opposed to after finishing the classes)</p>

<p>GPA - Top 10% of the class, had a bad first semester of freshmen year, but grades have been all A-A+ afterwards. 3.9something after this semester.</p>

<p>APs Language (5) USH (4) Art Hist (3, self study) USGov (5, self study) Literature (4, self study) AP Scholar with distinction. </p>

<p>Course load - All the most difficult classes I could fit on my schedule, though our school offers painfully little in the way of AP. Have had AP language, USHist, Chem, and am now taking BC Calc, Comp Sci, Literature. </p>

-Band (1st chair bassoon for concert season - and previously sousaphone, baritone, bass drum, and now snare drum, for marching, also indoor winter drumline) (7 years)
-Founding member of school music club. (1 year)
-Computer Club (2 years)
-SAT prep group (1 year)
-UIL academics including science, literary criticism, journalism, current events, (4 years)
-UIL drama events including duet acting, group improv, extemporaneous speaking, humorous interp, poetry interp, and One Act Play, (4 years)
-German club (3 years)
free time:
-other instruments include viola, guitar, piano.
-writing, including some poetry pieces published in a small literary magazine.
- composing music (classical and experimental)
- I organize and run a national online writing marathon with a friend</p>

<p>Leadership positions:
Captain of the drum line, also member of Band Leadership Team
Co-captain of school improv troupe,
Founder and leader of LHS SAT prep group
VP of drama club (president position is reserved for seniors) ,
officer of Comp. Club and
officer of music club
Last summer selected to attend Texas farm bureau youth leadership camp</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work:
Key Club (100 hours)
Volunteered as counselor at local drama camp for children (100 hours)
Worked at a textbook publishing house Format, llc. last year as online content manager and web designer (300+ hours)</p>

<p>Honors and Awards:
Band – Marching band Advanced to regionals last year, top rated, Bassoon Solo this spring earned a top (div. I) rating.
Student of the year in Theatre, Freshman year.
Numerous UIL One Act Play Awards, including All-Star Cast
UIL Drama Awards – Medalist at many tournaments over the past 4 years, a slew of trophies and medals. This past year I went to regionals (level below state) in poetry interp.
UIL Academics – Similarly long list, this last year I medaled and went on to regionals on science, current events, and headline writing (journalism). At regionals I was 9th in headline writing.
AP Distinguished Scholar
National Merit Scholar semifinalist
Honor Roll
Also, I attended the DUKE Talent Identification Program for 3 weeks doing 150 hours of college level work for 4 years, studying fantasy literature, sociology, old Norse mythology and language, and Psychology respectively.</p>

<p>Gender/RACE: Male Caucasian
Location: Lockhart, Texas. It’s the kind of place where kids compete in rodeo and stock shows instead of quiz bowl, the town’s claim to fame is “barbeque capital of Texas!”.
High School: Public
High School Type: very poor school in a small Texas town with a high drop-out rate. It’s not that odd to see kids walking their goats across campus after school. The only graduate to go somewhere notable this year was a girl who got a full ride to west point. I only know of one kid in the past 10 years who went to an ivy (penn). My SAT scores seemed dismal to me, but they were far and away the best in my class.</p>

<p>Essays use the angle of 'an extremely ambitious, motivated, and passionate student, and that’s even in the face of the obstacles that come from my unique background (very little honors classes support, instructors in every class and extracurriculars being stretched to the limit and unable to go the extra mile for students like me, lack of arts classes) I’ve still been focused on constantly challenging myself and learning new things, accelerating myself even when there was no competition to pass up.' Also I'm trying to stress to admissions that I come from a very unique cultural area, and would be terrific for their college diversity.
Recommendations should be very good, from very enthusiastic teachers. </p>

<p>So, can you chance me for</p>


<p>thanks for your time. =]</p>

<p>What is your rank? I think top colleges might be intereted in your background but will expect you to be at the very top of the class at a school like yours and will expect teachers to check the ‘best in career’ box.</p>

<p>I think you have a reasonable shot at the schools on your list, but you probably need a few more schools, and in particular a safety (UT?) I think the fact that you are from a small town will help, and you have some interesting activities (i.e., bassoon player).</p>

<p>Replying to hmom5, I’ll definitely have no problem checking that box with the teachers I asked for recommendations, they’re very familiar with my passion for their subjects (history and English) and, one of them once told me, ‘I know it’s AP, but my class is so below you, I wish we could do more’. </p>

<p>I’d be higher in my class rank if not for a very poor (two Bs) first semester of freshman year (a bit of immaturity which I was thoroughly cured of- on my transcript, in English one semester I have an 80 and the next a 97!) I was 18th out of 300 finishing junior year, and will probably bump at least 5 spots because of harder AP classes that have murdered our ‘grade chasers’. </p>

<p>Replying to Hunt, I didn’t include safeties in my post because I didn’t think it’s necessary. I’ve still got backup - both of my parents went to UT. =]</p>

<p>SAT scores and the fact that you haven’t cured cancer will hurt for Ivies, I’m afraid. Other than that, looks like a solid application. ;)</p>

<p>Harvard - reach/crapshoot
Columbia - mid-reach
Dartmouth - mid-reach
NYU - match
Kenyon - in
Duke - low reach/high match</p>

<p>you have very promising stats despite a rough freshman year. I’d say in at NYU, in at Duke, in at Kenyon. you’re a very strong candidate for Dartmouth and Columbia, but at Ivies you can never be sure, and Harvard is a crapshoot for even the best of the best, but I wouldn’t rule it out. Good luck!</p>

<p>bump. I really appreciate all the thoughtful comments!</p>