<p>Hey guys… I’m from a small rural private school in Mississippi (I know, uncommon!) that has a small student body. My school only offers one AP Course (U.S. History), but I am taking the most rigorous schedule possible and have taken as many honors courses as I can. I will be applying RD to all of my choices, applying for financial aid, and probably majoring in biology. Thanks!! I will chance back if you’d like</p>
<p>My Recs will be from my Bio/A&P/College Bio. Teacher and English teacher. My essay will stress the diversity I look to gain from going to a distinguished university from a rural school and will convey my flexibility (from grades to quiz bowl to unique things like envirothon) and my success.</p>
Asian Indian Male
Small Private School (500, K - 12 students)</p>
GPA – 4.0
RANK – 2/47
ACT – 32 w/ 9 Writing
(Taking SATII Biology in October and going for 750+)</p>
<p>Classes taken where High School Credits were earned:
Math – Algebra I, Honors Algebra II, Geometry, Honors Trig/Adv. Math
Science – Biology I, Chemistry I, Honors Anatomy & Physiology, Honors Chemistry II
History – Mississippi History, Civics, World History, AP U.S. History
English – Honors English I, Honors English II, Honors English III
Language – Spanish I, Greek I, Latin I</p>
<p>Senior Schedule:
College Biology (Extra Curricular/No Credit)
Calculus (Honors)
Honors English IV/Composition I&II (Honors/Dual-Enrollment)
Physics (Honors)
U.S. Government/Economics
Latin II (Honors)</p>
Allies (Junior High organization for students against tobacco)
Jr. Beta
Jr. Beta Officer
Frontline (High School organization for students against tobacco)
Envirothon (Compete in tests in Soils, Forestry, Aquatics, Wildlife)
Quiz Bowl
Mock Trial
Class Officer
Student Council
Student Council Officer (Student Body Officer)
Mississippi Private School Association Honors Society
Sr. Beta
Mu Alpha Theta
Chess Club
Art Club
Soccer (District Champs, South State Champs, State Runner-Up =(</p>
Jr. Beta Treasurer
Class Officer
Elected Student Council Representative
Envirothon – Soils Chairman
Science Chairman on Quiz Bowl Team
Jr. Class Secretary
Head of Prom T-Shirt Committee
Head of Mu Alpha Theta Video Competition Committee
Sr. Class Treasurer
Student Body Treasurer </p>
<p>Academic Awards:
Lots of spelling bees including 1st in State
Lots of 1st in district; Top 7 in State Envirothon
Lots of Quiz Bowl Regional and State Awards
Lots of Mock Trial Regional Awards
Chosen to compete (and placed) in regional competitions in the following subjects – Earth Science, Algebra I, Geometry, A&P, Trigonometry
Teacher’s Pick (Academic Subject Award) in following subjects – Pre Algebra, American History, Health, Geometry, Algebra II, Trig/Adv. Math, and AP History</p>
<p>Volunteer Service:
Have served plates to the needy every Thanksgiving at local eatery (3yrs)
Teacher’s Aid (5th Grade Math and 6th Grade Science (350hrs+)
Headmaster’s Assistant (350hrs+)
Helped clear private land of debris and reorganize elementary school library on Gulf Coast after Katrina
Volunteered at SOME Soup Kitchen in Washington D.C. and Good Samaritan Foundation in my state
Volunteered at Horses for Handicapped (Giving them a chance to ride horses and have a day outdoors)
Volunteered with Mustard Seed Foundation (Mentally handicapped) and spending time with residents</p>
<p>-With Jr Beta
Helped Plant Flower Beds around campus and maintain them
Donated Toys and Clothes for Angel Tree Foundation (3 different years)
-With Sr Beta
Raised money at Relay for Life
Raised money for Arthritis Foundation</p>
Attended the Senator Trent Lott Leadership Foundation for Rising 9th Graders – 9th
Attended the Hugh O. Bryant Youth Leadership Foundation as a Rising Junior
Attended Lott Leadership Institute for High School Students as a Rising Senior
Took college level courses in Speech 102 and Political Science 101 at the University of Mississippi as a student in the Lott Institute and a trip to D.C. to meet with State Senators, Representatives, and other influential business committees (such as Citigroup and PEW)</p>
Worked in the Medical/Surgery Ward of Hardy Wilson Memorial Hospital (100hrs)</p>
<p>COLLEGES – in no particular order
Johns Hopkins
U. of Mississippi
U. of Florida
UNC – Chapel Hill</p>
<p>Thanks so much for the answers!! And just ask if you want to be chanced back!</p>