Chance a Swede for Wharton, Harvard, Yale, etc

<p>Nationality: Swedish
Gender: Male</p>

Schools not possible: Liberal Arts with major in communications/sociology</p>

- UPenn (Wharton)
- Cornell
- UMich
- Harvard
- Yale
- Duke
- UVa
- Northwestern
- WUSTL</p>

<p>Special circumstances:
- Intl applying for aid
- applied and rejected at Wharton, Cornell, Duke last year
- Done SAT reasoning four times</p>

GPA: 19.66/20
Rank: 3/151
Curriculum: Very rigorous, 20 % more than required
High levels: Math (all available), History, Civics
SAT 1: 2190 superscore (M800 W710 CR680), 2120 best sitting (M800 W710 CR610)
SAT 2: Math1 710, Math2 730, French 510 (only sending to those that require)
TOEFL iBT: 111</p>

- Founder & Sales manager at own candle company (not registered). Imported and sold christmas candles to companies and consumers through myself and my sales team (three friends). 9th grade, 10 h/w, 15w/yr.
- Co-founder, vice CEO and marketing director at own beverage company (registered Youth Enterprise company). Developed, marketed and sold the world's first anti-stress drink. 11th/12th grade, 15h/w, 45w/yr.
- Appeared on national TV investment show, Dragons' Den. Two week preparation. 400 000 viewers. No investment but amazing response. 11th grade.
- Participant at Emax Sweden, headhunted as one of Sweden's top 200 entrepreneurs. National entrepreneurship camp/event. 11th grade, 64h/w, 1w/yr.
- Participant at Emax Nordic, headhunted as one of Scandinavia's top 200 entrepreneurs. International entrepreneurship camp/event. 11th grade, 64h/w, 1w/yr.
- Advisor of marketing/advertising for my school. Made presentational material, invitations, ideas for interactive screens, etc. 12th grade, 5h/w, 30 w/yr.
- Founder, partner and project leader at own advertising agency (general partnership). Do branding, strategies, campaigns, social media marketing, etc. Ex of clients: two of my towns biggest schools. Post graduation, 40h/w, 28w/yr.
- Founder, partner and board member of the now incorporated beverage company (private corporation). Redeveloped beverage, got investors and will launch in february. Daily advisor. Post graduation, 10h/w, 28w/yr.</p>

- Regional silver medal in JA-YE (one-year entrepreneurship program), category ”Best Company” with my company Dfuser. More than 180 competing companies.
- National silver medal in JA-YE, category ”Best Company”, with my company Dfuser. Over 5500 competing companies.
- National bronze medal in Emax Business Simulation, 200 participants headhunted nationally.
- Scholarship to participate in Emax Nordic (entrepreneurship event). The top 200 young entrepreneurs from Scandinavia are head-hunted.
- Regional bronze medal in ”Entreprenorsjakten” (entrepreneurship competition)</p>

Math: amazing
History: great
Counselor: amazing</p>

Good I guess? :P</p>

<p>Please chance me, will chance back! :)</p>


<p>Jeg synes at du har en veldig god sjanse men jeg vet ikke hva den svenske GPA konverter til i USA.</p>

<p>Jeg har ikke søkt på skole ennå, så jeg er ikke veldig nytigg, men jeg måtte si hei til en svenske haha. </p>

<p>Jeg synes at faktumet at du er svenske vil hjelpe deg, og selvsagt kvalifikasjoner dine er fantastisk. </p>

<p>Beklager for dårlig norsk min, jeg lærer det.</p>

<p>Lykke til :D</p>

<p>Wow…you’ve done quite a lot. Your ECs are incredible and your academic credentials are outstanding. I think it’s safe to say that you have a great shot everywhere. The only hinderance is the fact that you’re international and need FA.</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-M900 using Tapatalk</p>

<p>Wow, you’re an amazing candidate! Why were you rejected by Cornell and Duke of all places last year? I mean, admissions decisions can never be predicted with any certainty, but your ECs are very very impressive.</p>

<p>The only weaknesses I can see in your application are your SAT IIs (because you’re very math-oriented, otherwise they’re fine) and maybe your SAT I, but although your scores are slightly on the low side for the very best universities, I don’t think they’ll get you rejected–I mean, your ECs are incredible.</p>

<p>UPenn (Wharton) - reach for everyone
Cornell - um, I’d call it a low reach/high match, but you were rejected once
UMich - low match/safety (I’m not familiar with its policies for internationals, though)
NYU - low match/safety (but it doesn’t give a lot of financial aid)
Harvard - reach for everyone
Yale - reach for everyone
Duke - same as Cornell
UVa - low match/safety
Northwestern - high match
WUSTL - high match</p>

<p>Maybe there was something in your essays that the adcoms didn’t like last year? I hope you’ve rewritten them.</p>

<p>Your GPA and EC’s are phenomenal. It helps that you’re an international student. You’ll do fine.</p>

<p>Taking into account that you’re applying for aid:</p>


<p>UPenn (Wharton)

  • Cornell
  • Harvard
  • Yale</p>



<p>Thanks for chancing me. Your ECs are excellent, and your GPA looks really good (not really familiar with the 20-point system). I would say you have a solid chance at all schools other than Harvard and Wharton. What do you think got you rejected last year? Did you apply with all the same stats/extracurriculars/essays or is everything new this time around?</p>

<p>Thanks for your post on my chance and I will return the favor to you:</p>

<p>I agree with kidpenn except that I think you’ll get in at Cornell. However, as Harvard and Yale can be rather random in admissions, they are high reaches. You never know with them. </p>

<p>Take what I say with a grain of salt as I am not familiar with the 20 point GPA system or the TOEFL.</p>

<p>Heihei thanks for the chance, here is a norwegian perspective,</p>

<p>I do not understand how you were rejected from Cornell, Duke etc. you seem like a solid candidate for those schools. Your SATs are just fine for each of these schools as you fall within the mid-50 percentile for each and your other academics are great, with a strong GPA and furthermore a large amount of coursework. Your EC’s also seem to be focused on business etc. and you have participated in various business-like EC’s in Sverige which shows that you are passionate. </p>

<p>It must be that you are an int’l student applying for aid that may be lowering your chances… i am also an int’l student applying and it seems to be very competitive. Also, your SAT II scores are very good in Mathematics, however, Harvard and some other schools frown upon you sending in only Maths scores, it is on their websites, for the SAT II. Since most these schools only want two SAT II scores then I am not sure whether you should send in the two Maths ones or send in one of them and the French one and either deal with the consequences from the former one, or run the risk of them considering your French score too low for the latter.</p>

<p>My perspective:</p>

<li>UPenn (Wharton) - REACH</li>
<li>UMich - SAFETY</li>
<li>NYU - LOW MATCH</li>
<li>Harvard - HIGHEST OF YOUR REACHES</li>
<li>Duke - HIGH MATCH</li>
<li>Northwestern - HIGH MATCH</li>

<p>Lykke til!</p>

<p>Thanks everybody!</p>

<p>Last year: my SAT1 was 1990 (m670 cr680 w640) and SAT2 was 640 math1 and 610 math2. My essay was pretty crap. And also, at Cornell, I competed with two very strong students from my class (ranked #1 and #2, perfect GPAs, one had heavier courseload, almost the same quality of ECs, higher SATs, slightly slightly better recs, better essays)
This year: two new ECs, better SAT scores, better essays, slightly better recs (new teacher I know a lot better).</p>

<p>@kidPenn: why a no at Harvard/Yale because of Fin.aid? They have need-blind for internationals. Anyway, you’re right, probably a no at HY :P</p>

<p>@pellehund: mange tack! :smiley: I’ll probably send French to all schools then, thanks for the input!</p>


<p>Wharton/Harvard/Yale = reaches
Others = low reaches/match</p>

<p>Good ECs but those scores will definitely hold you back. Especially the SAT II’s</p>

<p>I agree with everyone above, your extracurricular achievements are impressive and definitely demonstrate your personal initiative and business acumen. That being said, your SAT 1 & 2’s are on the lower side, but still decent enough to have a shot. I think ur EC’s make up for it though.</p>

<p>Wharton, Harvard, Yale - Reaches for everyone </p>

<p>Cornell, UMich, NYU, Duke, UVa, Northwestern, WUSTL - Good shot</p>

<p>NYU doesn’t accept intl applying for aid, right ?</p>

<p>I think business program high considers experience so as long as you show how greatly your ECs affect your education at the institution, the chance might be higher</p>

<p>But if I were the adcom, I would accept because I have a strong, unexplainable inclination for the Swede hehe.</p>

<p>You will get the same result at Wharton, Cornell, and Duke this year that you got last year unless you’ve done something new and spectacular. What is it?</p>

<p>@AdaEnthu - yup, NYU doesn’t give aid, what was I thinking… I thought they had som merit-mased opportunities… Anyway - thanks for your symbolic acception! :D</p>

<p>@greennblue - better essays, slightly better recs, better SAT1 (from 1990 to 2190, incl. 670 to 800 math), better SAT2s (from 610 to 730 math2 and 640 to 710 math1), better ECs (founded own ad agency, incorporated beveragecompany to private corporation, added: marketing advisor at my school) - is this enough?</p>


<li>UPenn (Wharton) high reach</li>
<li>Cornell reach</li>
<li>UMich low reach/high match</li>
<li>NYU high match</li>
<li>Harvard high reach</li>
<li>Yale high reach</li>
<li>Duke high reach</li>
<li>UVa reach</li>
<li>Northwestern reach</li>
<li>WUSTL reach</li>

<p>Sorry to say man, but applying as an international without aid is extremely competitive. If you weren’t applying for aid it would be a lot lower. theres no way you cant get a good chunk of a change from those jobs that you own? 50,000 a year seems like a lot but it’s totally worth it if you can cut it in half and then pay the rest in loans.</p>

<p>your standardized test scores are not that high, while academic record is the most important factor is almost any college’s admissions process. I would venture to guess: no for wharton, H, Y, and duke, maybe for cornell, northwestern and WashU, and better chances at the rest.</p>

<p>have you considered taking another SATII? normally applicants are encouraged to submit either math1 or math2 along with a test in another subject, which means they’ll have to use the 510 in french, which is pretty low for the schools you’re looking at. since you attend high school in another country it’s hard for the adcom to know the context and rigor of your high school, so they will place more emphasis on the standardized tests to compare you to u.s. students.</p>

<p>extracurriculars: great. nothing to worry about there. did you start all of the businesses yourself? what are your parents’ occupations? (in other words, can someone possibly have concluded that you’ve received help from relatives? as a high schooler, how did you even get the capital and resource to start the business?)</p>

<p>hi! Thank you for letting me know my chances!
Overall, I can tell you’re probably a lot better than me for the most parts,
sooo… I say you’re in!</p>

<p>Wish You good luck</p>