Chance a Swede for Wharton, Harvard, Yale, etc

<p>Your SAT’s a low for the top colleges such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. Even though you might state “but it’s in the 50% quartile”, I agree, it is, but mifune made a whole page long post detailing the inner working of the admissions committee. I believe it was something like 2300+ = 23% admit, 2200-2300 = 14%, 2100-2200 = 6%, etc. </p>

<p>However, people with your scores get admitted every year, and taking into account your great EC’s, you should have a great shot at all these schools,</p>

<p>Best of luck to you,</p>


<p>I think it will really come down to how well you write your essays. Your ECs are definitely enough to make up for the SAT scores, but it depends on how you describe it</p>

<p>I really really suggest you taking the Sat II again in January.
Most universities specifically say that Math I and II cannot be accounted as two Sat Subject Tests (ex. Harvard). They’ll look at your French one and that is very low.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>@bball - the ad agency I can’t run during uni. wWill probably make tops $20k before I start uni, which won’t get me long for 4 years of education that costs up to $60k/year with all the expenses… and the beverage company - unpredictable, but atleast not aiming on taking out any money the first year.</p>

<p>@HazelCapri - considered taking SAT IIs again, but won’t have time to study. And don’t know which others I can take really. World History, Literature and French are the possible ones, but pretty sure I can’t get that impressive scores in them.
Regarding business: no help from relatives. My father is a manager and my mother is a controller, but none have own businesses.
Resources: there is a program called “Youth Entreprise” in Sweden that let’s you start a “test company”, that’s when I started the beverage company. The program is very hyped at our school - basically everyone does it. Everything was basically on own initiative though, all the advisor did was hold a lecture each week about some business-related topic.
Financing: beverage company was basically all sponsors at first, plus we made deals with some supplier so we could pay after we sold the first batch, etc. And recently, we’ve got various small investors. The ad agency - no funding needed, plus everything we know is self-taught. </p>

<p>Thanks for responses! Keep chances me, will chance back if you post a link! ;)</p>

<li>UPenn (Wharton) - mid reach</li>
<li>Cornell - mid reach</li>
<li>Harvard - high reach</li>
<li>Yale - high reach</li>
<li>Duke -low reach</li>
<li>UVa = Match</li>
<li>Northwestern - low reach</li>
<li>WUSTL - high match</li>

<p>Your CV looks great. However colleges might frown upon taking the SATs 4 times and UPenn Cornell and Duke will expect sth very NEW from you in your app. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think you have a really great chance at all of those schools except for harvard and yale which of course are high reaches for everyone. With your amazing extracurriculars, they will probably consider you in a better light this time around though. Good luck!</p>

<p>wow your ECs are amazing! unfortunately i dont really know how the different the chances are for internationals (especially those applying for aid), and your SATs are a bit low for some of those schools so I don’t really know how to give an accurate chance. All I can say is you’re an amazing applicant and I wish you the best! I really don’t see how Wharton could find a more competitive business applicant, you’ve already done so much! good luck!</p>

<p>U have amazing EC’s… however your scores are still not top tier… though you might just slip in on account of your EC’s your comparatively lower SAT’s might just u back… Try the Jan SAT or something???</p>

<p>If i had to say ud get into:-</p>


  • NYU
  • Duke
  • UVa
  • Northwestern
    and maybe either Cornell or Upenn…</p>

<p>Best of luck anyways:-</p>

<p>Btw on my chance thread… could you take a look again… You wrongly assumed that i am applying for Financial Aid…<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>But to be honest, I’m not that satisfied with my supplements… My main essay was pretty good I guess, but my supps feel pretty plain/straightforward… Do you guys think I have decent chances anyway? Like Wharton? :P</p>

<p>Yes you have a chance at wharton, although they do tend to care more about math scores than some other schools…</p>

<li>UPenn (Wharton): Reach</li>
<li>Cornell: Low Reach</li>
<li>UMich: Match</li>
<li>NYU: Match</li>
<li>Harvard: High Reach</li>
<li>Yale: High Reach</li>
<li>Duke: Match</li>
<li>UVa: Match</li>
<li>Northwestern: Match</li>
<li>WUSTL: Match</li>

<p>Your EC’s look very good. However, do keep in mind that most applicants to the Ivies and similar tiered schools have very high SAT’s and GPA’s. Unfortunately, your SAT scores place you in about the 30th percentile(meaning you did better than about 30% of the people) of the applicants, according to a post by mifune, a Harvard attendee. Nevertheless, your EC’s and GPA will make up for the lack of SAT scores.</p>

<p>Best of luck in your applications and hopefully we’ll meet in college next year,</p>


<li>UPenn (Wharton) reach. But don’t worry… I think its like that for tons of people</li>
<li>Cornell reach</li>
<li>UMich low reach</li>
<li>NYU high match/low reach</li>
<li>Harvard high reach</li>
<li>Yale high reach</li>
<li>Duke high reach</li>
<li>UVa reach</li>
<li>Northwestern low reach</li>
<li>WUSTL high match/low reach</li>

<p>Hope this helps! :slight_smile:
I’d really appreciate it if you could chance me at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for chances!</p>

<p>Some new bad news: Penn’s number of applicants rose by 14 %…</p>

<p>Keep chancing :)</p>

<p>Your GPA and ECs are great.
But your SAT is kinda low for these schools.
And being an internation does NOT help.
My friend was a perfect candidate but was rejected to every Ivy league…
She is Canadian.</p>

<li>UPenn (Wharton) - Reach/High reach</li>
<li>Cornell - reach</li>
<li>UMich - Match/high match</li>
<li>NYU - In</li>
<li>Harvard - High reach</li>
<li>Yale - high reach</li>
<li>Duke - reach</li>
<li>UVa - high match</li>
<li>Northwestern - low reach</li>
<li>WUSTL - high match/low reach</li>

<p>Harvard – High Reach
Yale - High Reach
UPenn (Wharton) – Reach
Duke – Low Reach
Cornell – Low Reach
WUSTL - Low Reach
Northwestern - Low Reach
UMich - High Match
UVa - High Match
NYU – Match/High Match</p>

<p>have you considered retaking the SATII’s?</p>

<p>@astonmartindbs- have considered, but concluded that I won’t have time to up my scores… Will this pull me down considerably?</p>

<p>Hey thanks for taking the time to chance me!</p>

<p>Your GPA, rank, and extracurriculars are outstanding. Considering you raised your test scores significantly from the last time you took them, I think you have greatly improved your chances.</p>

<p>UPenn (Wharton) - Reach (But i wouldn’t be surprised if you got in)
Cornell - Low Reach/Match
UMich - IN
Duke - low reach/Match
UVa - Low Reach/IN
Northwestern - Low reach/Match
Harvard - Reach
Yale - Reach</p>

<p>Although these schools are pretty unpredictable, I’m certain that you’ll get into several of your top choices</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the encouragement Richie0777! :)</p>

<p>Hi there, i don’t know how or if you can quote here, so i just copy: </p>

<p>“- Founder & Sales manager at own candle company (not registered). Imported and sold christmas candles to companies and consumers through myself and my sales team (three friends). 9th grade, 10 h/w, 15w/yr.”</p>

<p>What do you mean not registered? Didn’t you have F-skattesedel? That means that you are working without pay tax, and in our socialist paradise it is a pretty serious felony, a not that great thing to mension :wink: </p>

<p>Saw you on tv by the way, and i have to ask: Which drug did you have in you drink to “make people calm”? That sounds a whole lot like cannabis to me :wink: But everyone of you did a great peformance and i have done a simillar thing and got a good amount of money so i know what i am talking about :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I think you should write Weighted and unweighted, because GPA 19.66/20. Is unweighted, and xx/22.5 Weighted! In Sweden the maximum amount of points is 22.5 Weighted, and 20.0 Unweighted!</p>

<p>Have you been taking a gap year? If that is the case, what have you been doing?</p>

<p>Lycka till och meddela hur det g</p>