Chance/advice: American for Uni of Cambridge HSPS 2024

I’m currently a junior at a public (non fee-paying) school in the US and I’m pretty intent on going to Cambridge for HSPS. I’ve done lots of reading and thinking around the subject (though I’m planning to do loads more), I’m in MUN and debate, do lots of civic activism, play a varsity sport, and am interested in musical anthropology as well. I’m fairly invested in politics and international relations and have strong opinions about current news. I’ve done a few past interview and HSPSAA questions and done alright.

My stats:
GPA: ~3.95 ish, unweighted
ACT: 32 single-sitting, 35s for English and Reading, weaker for maths and slightly moreso for science.
The only AP my school has allowed me to take so far is World, where I got a 5. This year I’m doing: Bio (current grade A), English Lang (A), Psych (A+), US History (A). I’m fairly certain I can score 5s on all except Bio, where I might instead get a 4.

Next year I’m doing Spanish, Physics, English Lit, Gov, and Calc AB.

My recommendation letter from my College Counselor and one of my teachers should be pretty strong; I’ll have to approach them about writing it in the UK style. I will also have to get an AP scores prediction; any advice on that? I know of at least one Oxbridge applicant from the US who got rejected on that basis. As for my personal statement, I’ve started drafting it in the UK style and will ask some UK friends to look over it.

Not sure if this is noteworthy, but I am a second-gen immigrant and come from a single-parent household. I have to look after my siblings a lot.

As for colleges, I don’t have any personal preference (will probably submit an open application). I’m choosing Cambs because of the supervisory system, mainly. I think I thrive in that sort of environment and love debating/being proven wrong. If I were accepted, I can only think of a single instance in which I might not attend. I’ve kind of wanted this since I was 14 and am eager for feedback!
