Chance an 8th grader for the future

ACT: 31 composite (34E, 32R, 27M, 29M)
GPA: my school does it different but all A+ (95 or higher) and maybe one A through middle school
ECs- swim team, speech and debate, volunteer monthly at environmental center, other service/religious clubs at school
Schools interested in: Florida publics, UMiami, Tulane, Duke, maybe Top 20s and such
Majors- Undecided (probably some kind of Engineering or STEM)
This isn’t a joke post, just want to find out what you guys think I can do in the future.

Just wanted to say I’m Hispanic/white

8th Grade is way too early to chance. Come back junior year. There is a lot you can do now. Read the course catalog and school handbook that your high school will give you. Know what you need to graduate and what classes colleges want to see. Map out what classes you want to take over four years, what ECs you want to do, and what you want to do in the summers that can give you new skills or help you reach your goals.

Your GPA/grades in middle school don’t count. Everyone gets an A+ for trying in middle school.

I also took a college course at local public university over the summer and got 100.

Most universities do not look at middle school grades. Keep up the great work ethic and you will definitely excel in the future. Good luck.

Please don’t waste your years in high school trying to be something you think that colleges will “want”. Your 4 years in high school are just as valuable as your 4 years in college and your 4 years after that. Explore things that interest you. Be a high school kid. Explore.

You just started 8th grade, right? Oh boy. Please just enjoy life for as long as possible without the stress of college. It’s far too soon to be thinking about all this. By the time you apply, things could be drastically different. Your test score now will be meaningless. The test might be totally revamped by then. Your interests might be totally different. College will be even more expensive. There are just too many unknown factors to even be thinking about it right now. There is zero point in chancing you.

I’m going to be honest, but posts like yours worry me. It’s fine to want to know if you might be on the right path, and you definitely are. But to name colleges right now, and to ask strangers what we think you can do in the future, makes me concerned that you may have prematurely grey hair in a few years time.

Here’s my advice: Your number 1 goal in planning ahead for college is to keep your grades up and do things that interest you. That is not saying the same as study like a demon for every single test and do every EC under the sun to make yourself look good for colleges. Your youth is precious. Enjoy every second of it as much as possible.

I have no clue what you can do in the future — you can do anything. Start thinking about college at the end of 9th grade, right now enjoy your life lol! You are clearly smart, as you already got a 31 on the ACT, and I’m sure you will be successful but right now focus on being a 12/13 year old! Good luck in the future (good job with your ACT too)

It is good to take school seriously and know that college will be on your horizon, but it is too early to start planning for specific colleges. I would highly recommend that you get off of CC until your junior year of HS.

For now you should focus on:
–Working hard, learning, and doing as well as you can in the most challenging curriculum you can manage.
–When the time comes study for standardized tests.
–Continue your involvement in activities you care about and work towards making meaningful contributions to those activities.
–Enjoying spending time with your family and friends.

When the time comes (junior year) honestly asses your academic stats (including GPA, standardized tests, course rigor) as well as your financial needs and apply to a wide range of reach, match, and safety schools that appear affordable (you will have to run a net price calculator for each school you consider) and that you would be excited to attend.

You seem like a very strong student.
Start off freshman year taking as many honors classes as you can.
Don’t take harder classes than you can handle… I see posts where students took AP Bio as a freshman and then got a C. But take Honors Bio for sure.

Then do what @happy1 says.

Wow you’re clearly a smart student! Keep up the good work and keep pushing yourself, and you’ll definitely be a strong applicant to any college.