Chance an asian...

I am a student from India. can somebody chance me for the following colleges??</p>

<p>Gender: F
Location: India
College Class Year: 2013
High School: Private
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.93
GPA - Weighted: 0.00
Class Rank: top 5 students(2/166)
Class Size: 166</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 690
SAT I Critical Reading: 660
SAT I Writing: 670</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: School dance team for two years
School Cultural Committee for one year
School Tamil Elocution team for two years
Learned keyboard for 2 years
Leadership positions: Captain- Throw ball team for four years
Captain- volley ball team for two years
Captain- Shuttle badminton team for four years
School newspaper for two years
Captain- School houses for two years
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Badminton
runner - district level
winner - inter-school
intraschool athletics championship- runner
Volunteer/Service Work: worked 3 years in a hospital
prepared food for children in orphanage every week for 5 years
Member of Road Safety Patrol for two years
Volunteered For Tsunami Relief for one month
volunteered at a
Honors and Awards: Award for 1st mark in Tamil in National level Board exam
Award for 100% marks in Chemistry in State level Board exam
Honor roll In school
Best All rounder Award from school</p>

<p>Importance of cost: Very important</p>

<p>Financial aid and scholarships are very important factors for me.</p>

<p>My Colleges
*Adelphi University
*Allegheny College
* Beloit college
*Brandeis University
*Carleton College
*Cornell College (Iowa)
*Dickinson College
*Earlham College
*Grinnell College
*Hillsdale College
* Kalamazoo college
*Lawrence University
*Randolph College
*Rhodes College
*TCU (Texas Christian University)
*Trinity College (Connecticut)
*Trinity University (San Antonio)
*University of Chicago
*University of Richmond
*Wittenberg University</p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>that’s a lot of places i’ve never heard of
why don’t you apply to UCs?</p>

<p>UCs?? what are they? thing is ppl here in cc suggested these colleges to me… these r in the 50-100 ranks in the US news…</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>UC’s are really difficult to get in as internationals/OOS-ers. Plus they offer no financial aid. These colleges offer significant merit aid, so I think she has chosen well. I think you’ll get into at least a couple with enough aid :). And also, throw in a couple of Ivies if you feel like gunning high. You’ll never know unless you try…</p>

<p>Thank you Tetris… dunno whether u remember, but u were the one who started me on my list of colleges :)</p>

<p>I do remember :)</p>

<p>Thank you very much. And regarding the ivies, I thought U of Chicago is as good as one. Plus I did not want to waste money applying to Ivies.</p>

<p>Fair enough. Good luck!</p>

University of Chicago
Carleton College
Grinnell College
Brandeis University</p>

Dickinson College
Trinity College (Connecticut)
University of Richmond
Kalamazoo college</p>

Adelphi University
Allegheny College
Beloit college
Cornell College (Iowa)
Earlham College
Hillsdale College
Lawrence University
Randolph College
Rhodes College
TCU (Texas Christian University)
Trinity University (San Antonio)
Wittenberg University</p>

<p>Take SAT II’s and your aims will become easier…</p>

<p>oh and the essays are the KEY…</p>

<p>How would one give a piece of advice without even relying on any information on ESSAYS and LETTERS OF REC - two VERY IMPORTANT factors?</p>

<p>Yeah agree.
PS: You’re a few minutes ahead of me LOL</p>

<p>my essays r decent i guess… n recos r good too… i’m pretty bad at judgin myself :D</p>

i’d taken my SAT II’s in december… waiting for scores</p>

<p>regarding my safeties… do u think i will be able to get good aid packages from those colleges, my safeties esp? cos lik i said aid and scholarships are important determinants.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

can anyone give me tips for SOP?,</p>


<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>bump bump… anyone??</p>