Chance an aspiring journalist?

<p>I'm a current junior in a high schol in Maryland. I have a dream of becoming a sports writer and I've looked at schools such as Maryland, Penn State, and Syracuse. Could someone chance me for those? and any other j-schools that fit with my stats:
3.55 gpa
1730 SAT
2 years of Newspaper
2 years of JV Water Polo
1 year of Swimming
1 year of Rugby
I currently have a job at a grocery store and I am also a frequent contributor to a sports website. </p>

<p>Any suggestions?</p>

<p>I’m not focusing on sports writing, so I’m not an authority on the subject, but I would consider the University of Montana. The student paper covers the school’s D-I sports and the program offers sports reporting courses. Also, each year the school brings in a guest professor from the professional world to teach one class and mentor anyone who walks in his/her office. This year it was Eli Saslow, who wrote sports for the Washington Post for years before switching to general feature writing. (Saslow graduated from Syracuse so I’m sure he would highly recommend it.) My general advice is to find a place where you will have lots of opportunities for out-of-classroom experience. The best teachers in the world can’t give you clips that land you internships and jobs.</p>