<p>I wish I was all around spectacular:[ But Im not. Also this is a tad bit long, please bear with me:]
-Asian Female. I wish my ancestors slept around more so I couldve gotten some exoticism
Educated in China, California and Canada. I am a Canadian Citizen.
-High School: large and uncompetitive public school, I dont know if my school ranks. About 300 graduates this year.
I got some letter last year saying I got some money for being in the top 30 percent. Thats the only percentile theyve ever used.
I dont think my school weighs GPA.
-GPA: 3.75 :[ I know it is low, however on the 100 scale that they use I am getting a 91
My school also has this odd way of calculating GPA: sometimes they use all grades, sometimes only academic. If it is only academic then Ill have over 3.9.
-SAT: Retaking in Dec.. 2200+, I have one Subject exam right now Chinese: 750 [I KNOW YOU ARE LAUGHING. I am actually illiterate in Mandarin so Im amazed I got a 750:]]
US History/Molecular Biology/Literature in January
-APs: I havent taken any tests yet. Psychology, Statistics, English Language, Environmental Science, Art History.</p>
<p>Course Load:</p>
<p>My high school started in grade 8</p>
<p>Grade 8:
Career Planning [***]: B
French: A
Home Economics: A
Humanities: B
Mathematics: A
Intermediate Band: A
P.E.: C+
Technology Education: A
Science A</p>
<p>Grade 9:
Career Planning: A
English: A
French: A
Mathematics: A
Intermediate Band: A
P.E.: B
Science 10 Honors: A
Social Studies: A
Spanish: A</p>
<p>Grade 10:</p>
<p>TV Production: A
English Honors: A
French Honors: A
Math: A
Senior Jazz Band: B
Senior Concert Band: B
Physics Honors: C [AHHHHHHHHHHHHH]
Social Studies Honors: A
P.E. 10: A
Planning/Career Prep: A</p>
<p>Grade 11:</p>
<p>AP Psychology: B
Criminology: A
Leadership: A
Peer Tutoring: A
TV Production: A
Law: A
Spanish: A
Ceramics: A
English: A
French: A
Math: A
Social Studies: A
Biology 11: A</p>
<p>Grade 12:</p>
<p>AP Statistics:
AP English Language: 100 percent right now.
AP Environmental Science:
AP Art History:
Social Justice: 100 percent right now.
English 12: A
Math 12:
Marketing 12:
Comparative Civilizations: A
Mandarin: A
Peer Tutoring: A</p>
<p>Didnt do too well this term:[ Ill update this part asap when I get my grades.
University Courses:
-Harvard University: Psychopathology
-UCLA: Linguistics
-Oxford: English Poetry</p>
<p>I am certified a gifted student in the state of California. Passed the GATE exam in grade 4.</p>
-Top Spanish Award [grade level]: Grade 9
-Top Multilingual Award [grade level]: Grade 9
-4th place Nationally in more than 14000 contestants for the Begbie Canadian History Exam: Grade 11</p>
-Tutor 9/11/12: Ive tutored Spanish 11, French 9, Criminology 12, Social Studies 8, and other social studies courses. Also in ESL Club where I tutor ESL kids in English
-Model United Nations 11/12: I have [re]started the club in school. Head delegate.
-Debate Club 12: in conjunction with MUN
-Mentoring 11/12: I have my own class on Wednesday mornings to teach incoming freshmen study and behavioral skills
-Library Club 12: I write book reviews and work with special promotions
-AP Psychology Club 11/12: Review of the course and a place to just chat and learn from psychological material</p>
<p>Outside of activities/VOLUNTEERING:
-I go to DRAMA school:]
-Ive worked for 2 UN Designated special consultative status agencies: Lawyers Rights Watch Canada as a legal researcher/case writer and the Martin Luther King Jr. Foundation for Cameroon as a fundraising/sponsorship specialist. LRWC is very important to me, I wrote an essay on how I would make death lists for them. My work for LRWC is also published by the United Nations
-ArtStarts, gallery for children and young people as a gallery greeter/artist volunteer
-Secretariat of a local Model United Nations
-nearly 90 hours of volunteering for summer camps for the Department of Physics and Astronomy [my position was a volunteer group leader]and the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering [my position was a Junior Instructor] at the University of British Columbia
-Scouts Canada
-A local elementary school. I work with some lower income children with homework and study skills for 1 school year.
-Piano for 11 years, flute for 6.5 years, soprano saxophone, expert at singing musicals in the shower
-Beginner fencer and tennis player
-Volleyball team in grade 8
-Dance whenever I hear Michael Jackson. I once danced from my spot in line to the customs official in the airport:]</p>
-nearly 200,000 Canadian dollar income
-I am checking off the will not need financial aid box even though my parents will be quite unhappy when they find out
-Dad was a researcher in the mid-90s for Harvard Universitys Center for European Studies
-Mom was a researcher in the mid-90s for University of Southern Californias Viterbi School of Engineering
-Great great grandfather was a lieutenant general of the Chinese Imperial Navy who was one of the first Asian/Foreigners to be educated at Yale University
-Cousin went to Cornell for graduate school
-Uncle works for Columbia University Medical School as a radiologist, alumni at Ohio State</p>
<p>Intended Major:
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Though when parents find out, theyll have heart attacks and refuse to pay for my tuition. Other majors include Political Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Linguistics.</p>
<p>Minor in Neurobiology. I am crazy for the social sciences but I have to admit, neurobiology fascinates me greatly. Other minors include art history, a language, or some other branch of philosophy.</p>
<p>But all in all this is just so I can get to Law School and focus on international law or intellectual property law. Havent decided yet.</p>
My SAT, Grades, GPA
..I know they are not spectacular. I do a lot of outside work so hopefully that can also be an outlet to show that I am a worthy person. I will do my bets with my SATs with a projected score of over 2200 definitely, my grades I cant change p.e. especially. I do have a chance to re-do physics online in a short amount of time. Should I for Physics 11? Or should I just do Physics 12 and do an amazing job? I know some schools are like *** to repeated courses but all I want to express is my understanding of what went wrong and my dedication to make it right, regardless of the amount of times I take it. I also know my courses arent rigorous. I did not take full advantage of the AP courses at school due to scheduling conflicts, though I made up for it. I take a lot of courses during the year and maintain nice [lol] grades, not to mention the 3 uni courses right now are killing me. My outside courses should be considered in too right? And that will be more rigorous?</p>
<p>Recommendations: My Criminology teacher will write me an excellent one, still need to find another teacher. I took many other subjects online to get more individual attention. If an online teacher sends it ..will that look bad? I can get a Chinese teacher to write one [Boston U Alumni], though it will probably be just above average looking, plus Chinese course teacher writing for a chinese kid ..PLUS my counselor, due to the many times Ive bothered her and astonished her with my course after course outside of school, wont do anything out of the ordinary for me.</p>
<p>-Im asian, Chinese, to my knowledge 5th generation to be receiving an college education, I do a lot of generic things [that I love]. Can't believe this is my disadvantage.</p>
<p>So you are probably wondering, why Im wasting your time if I only have good but not excellent grades, good but not spectacular ECs ..</p>
-For the past years of high school I started my own NGO, I have done so yet it is still local. It is an initiative to promote [for now] mandatory education for all children around the world. I am a strong believer that we might never be able to solve economic poverty however I believe firmly that we can solve intellectual poverty. Hope to expand this when I get to university.</p>
<p>-I have started websites to enrich other kids in their studies. These sites have full course material on Psychology, French Grammar, Spanish Grammar, Law, etc. Also on material that I am not that great in such as Math and Physics. This gave me a thorough review of academic material that I am shaky on as well as giving others a support to learn.</p>
<p>-I speak over 15 languages. In order of acquisition: Mandarin, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Ancient Greek, Basque, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Luxembourgish, Icelandic [some Faroese and Danish as well], Yoruba, Croatian, and Quechua. I can also speak these fairly: Dutch, Serbian, Hausa, and Estonian. Languages are just easy for me, I find them extremely important to mankind, and knowing these languages have broadened my thinking A LOT. Most of these languages are self taught, so it took a lot of years and commitment. Though itd be nice to chat with a person who can speak Hausa sometime:]</p>
<p>-Essays: I have never lived in one place for more than 5 years so I have many experiences. I am also quite eclectic and translate my thoughts well in essays.</p>
<p>Think thats enough?</p>
<p>My Schools:
University of British Columbia
University of Toronto
York University
London School of Economics [specifically the Anthropology + Law program]
Stanford University [DREAM SCHOOL:]]
UC Berkeley
University of Southern California
Santa Clara University
Carnegie Mellon
New York University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Harvard University
Boston University
Tufts </p>
<p>Haha my counselor is going to hate me when she sees the size list.</p>
<p>So thanks for reading all the way down here:] Please tell me what I can improve on since I still have time. Any feedback/advice is highly appreciated! Also, Im not one of those kids who apply just because they get a letter or just because they think its fun or whatever. I truly love all of the schools on the list and have researched for a long time. However, if there are any UNIS you think Id like, please let me know! And ..can someone please specify what Reach, high/low match means? LOL, Im still a bit confused. And which should I consider to be my safety schools?</p>
<p>THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR TIME, gimme a link if you would like to be chanced back!