<p>I'm an international student(male) and here are some of my stats.</p>
- SAt II( math-800, phy-730, chem- 740)
- TOEFL ibt- 114
- ECs- Active member(planner) in my high school's computer council, soccer player, community service throughout my junior yr, amateur astronomy for about two years. Also won creative writer award and player of the year in my sophomore year.
- Ranked Top 2%</p>
<p>-Essay is good(i guess), Recos should be excellent</p>
<p>What would be my chances at Coolgate? I'm planning a major in Phy or Astronomy. And I require substantial financial aid.</p>
<p>Go to the iternational forum and look at some of the stats there. You will be competing against singaporeans with 2400 sats and 4.0 gpas with fantastic leadership and EC’s. While I cant speak for colgate, aid for internationals is generally very limited and made on a merit basis (the one school I know of thats need blind for internationals is princeton but im not sure about colgate). Either way you have a shot though.</p>
<p>I just looked at the facebook group for colgate class of 2013 and of the 186 early decision accepted students there were at most 2 people of color including myself. I have good test scores,(physicsmajor) so im not saying its easy but Colgate really values diversity. Im international too(jamaican, british citizen) and i really stressed that in my app.</p>
<p>I would think you would have a pretty good shot at admission. </p>
<p>I don’t that would be the best indicator of ratio as I would suspect there would be a disproportionate lower percentage of international students on a site like that versus the actual percentage.</p>