chance an ivy league reject?

<p>got denied from Penn yesterday.. :'( I could've guessed that though, haha
but that means I get to apply to NYU, so I'm happy!</p>

<p>sooo, I am...
Applying to CAS for French, RD
I have a 1940 on the SAT
(M: 650, R: 660, W: 630)
SAT II's were a little lack luster..
Chem: 590 and French: 480 (help me, God!)
GPA: 91.8 unweighted, 95-something weighted
Class Rank: 33rd/450+
Very good teacher recs. (AP Biology teacher/soccer coach from this year and honors government/track coach from junior year)
Essay: regarding my decision to leave my mom in NH to move to PA to live with my dad like two weeks before the start of junior year, I think it was good and had my english teacher revise and revise and revise with me.
Very strenuous courseload this year, three AP's (Euro, Bio, and English), also taking Calculus, Physics, and French IV. No AP's taken up to this year though.
And I'm being recruited for track.</p>

<p>and I think that's it because can't think of anything else..</p>

<p>Your Stats seem low. Your SAT is average, Your rank is good, your GPA is alittle below average. But, Your SATIIs are really bad. No offense, but they stick out like a sore thumb… Particularly French. You have a shot, but it is a reach. The track might help you though, I dont know if or how NYU recruits for sports. Idk if it is too late, but if you can, try and retake your SATIIs, it cant hurt!</p>

<p>i agree with bryan… you have a shot…but NYU might be reach for you in RD</p>