Chance and Match a Homeschooled High School Senior [from Virginia with a 4.0 applying TO, <$20k]

Do those NPC calculators consider loans? Out of pocket $31K might need loans added on as well.
Just FYI, the national average out of pocket for private schools is $32K and in state public unis is $19K last time I checked.

I have been flamed on here before for saying this but if the average private college is coming up with a number that approximates $32K, then basically they are providing a tuition discount to entice your kid to enroll. Remember the average discount for most non tippy top schools is ~55% off sticker.

Because of these games, I think it is always better to have a few state school type safeties. Western Carolina is a great school. Very underrated for what they provide and attracts a lot of white rural kids of modest means. UNC-Pembroke has a very diverse student population and much more of a commuter campus feel. Given your circumstances, I encourage you to consider both.

Also, community college is not for every student. Sometimes, we fail to appreciate that. It is much more a checkbox type environment with minimal advising and support services. Classes can be disruptive, professors can be iffy. If your kid is not motivated or ill-prepared for independent work, CC might not be the answer.


Actually, I would say many CCs are very underrated. Some are amazing. In DMV area many same professors teach in Public/Private/CC. If CC school has an agreement with the local public (even UVA!) then in my opinion guaranteed transfer is great. I had all 3 of my children taking DE classes in local CC. No problems with quality. In some cases, quality was much much better than in AP classes of top local public schools (especially during COVID online mess.)

@mamak2 - if time still permits, try SAT. It is better than ACT for kids with ADHD. Did kid with ADHD got extra time with College Board? Is ADHD documented? Kid does not have to be on medications. Sorry, this is most likely where you are ā€œbombingā€ and not your kidā€¦ If kid has ADHD you need to level the field for testingā€¦

Iā€™d say youā€™re both right, and itā€™s really a case of ā€œit depends.ā€ Like the OP, Iā€™m in VA. My local CC is NOT amazing. The course selections are very limited, and teaching can be iffy. I took an Econ class a few years ago. I liked the teacher and enjoyed the experience, but it was NOT rigorous in the slightest. I had an over a 100 average with no effort. I would not recommend a top student attend our local CC after HS if they could at all help it. However, other parts of the state (NOVA, probably some in the Richmond area, Charlottesville maybe) are probably fine. Iā€™d assume the OP would know best what the local CC atmosphere is like.


How would they if student has not been in a formal classroom environment before?


Word of mouth. Reading the local papers. Ours is geared toward adults going back to school after working blue collared jobs, and there are often articles about what services they are providing to the public.

Right. But this student honestly has no idea how she compares to her peers, academically-other than apparently very poor standardized test scores. So I donā€™t think I would worry about a lack of rigor in CC quite yet. Let her enroll and she how she does first.

BTW I am told those adults returning to CC after or during blue collar jobs are among the most motivated and focused students there.


Again, it really depends on the area.

Also, you can be extremely motivated but have forgotten most of HS classes (all of us forget and backslide).

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Probably depends on what classes in the community college you encounter them in.

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Didnā€™t read the whole thread but if it hasnā€™t been suggested check out Campbell in NC. Itā€™s a Baptist school. Not sure about nursing but they have a DO program and school of pharmacy so I know they do have some good healthcare options.

Cost is a consideration for OP, has to be <$20K.

Campbell might come in less than that. I donā€™t know the OPā€™s finances, but they say 90% of students get some aid. And they do have nursing.

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