Chance (another) Nervous CS Major! [FL, 3.97 UW GPA, 1590 SAT, $10k budget]

Question regarding academics: how thin is the academics margin for schools like MIT or Harvard? Would four Bs (mostly in dual enrollment classes, assuming they gave me a re-test for Physics) have a non-negligible impact on the decision?

I am aware that the process is holistic, but given the weight these schools place on academics it’s probably still an important consideration. I might also be able to get the B in AS Marine Science changed, as my teacher for the course had mentioned that she would automatically give any student an A if they passed the AICE exam with an A (which I did get) but she forgot to do so for me-- the problem being that she left the school.

No one can answer. You could be perfect in every way and still get shot down. They are super reach for all.

You can’t get in if you don’t try. But you should assume you’re not getting in. That’s why you have matches and targets.

Can you afford them ?

So far, yes. I’m planning for affordability at every school be it through EFC, Bright Futures, or NM programs


Out of the box possibilities, again in different heat/political climates than TX/FL, possibly unaffordable but good shot at a scholarship so I’d roll the dice if you were interested: RPI and/or WPI. I think WPI would especially interest you.

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WPI is great and unique, and my son is starting there in the fall. But all my information is that they don’t get COA down very low, even for people who have very high financial need. I read about people who had COAs of $10K or $15K a year at other schools and WPI was expecting them to pay $25K/year or more.

To make matters worse, they (intentionally, I think, after speaking with the financial aid office) have a very poor NPC that does not give an accurate estimate and leads prospective students to think they will get more financial aid than they actually do.

If the OP is really excited about what the school has to offer (my son is really excited about the project based learning!), it might be worth applying and seeing what happens, though.


Yes, WPI would likely be added at the tail end of the application season, in November for instance, if the OP feels like it.
in-state public universities, NMF universities, tuition match universities, universities where they stand a decent change of merit, and meet-need universities should all come first. :slight_smile:


Another set of academic updates. I managed to secure a re-test for the C in Physics (there had been an error during the grading), meaning all-in-all, assuming I don’t fumble the re-test, I’ll be applying to college with 4 Bs total. (DE Chem 1 & 2, DE Physics, AS Marine)

GPA also rolled over to a scary 3.889 UW and 5.17 W, which I’m hoping will go up a little with that re-test. In terms of ECs, I managed to secure a pretty good research internship! It’s not at a top institution and the possibility of getting published is still pretty far but it’s a good start (I think).

no college expects a HS student to be published, unless you’re number 10 or 13 on the list of authors (in other words, meaningless). Your ability to hold on to the internship and “do sth with it” however will matter.
That 3.889 is going to turrn into a 3.9. The Bs in DE Chem and DE Physics is okay, less so in AS Marine which is considered an easy science. But these won’t kill your application.
So all the pieces are in place.
You have a three-pronged strategy you need to pull off. But everything is lining up nicely thanks to your ability to advocate for yourself.
BTW, some apps open in July: apply to iron out the wrinkles before you start UF and other topnotch universities.

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What do you mean by the “three-pronged strategy”? It’s been a while since I updated this thread so I might be forgetting something :sweat_smile:

Also, by ironing out the wrinkles do you mean figuring out how to lay down everything I have on paper?

3-pronged: FL publics + NMF full rides + private universities in your preferred locations. Each supposes a different timeline and application.

No, by “ironing out the wrinkles” I mean that the first or first 2 applications always include mistakes or things you could have done better, that become glaringly obvious roughly 5 seconds (… or 5 days, thinking back…) after you sent them. However, because they’re the least selective on your list or your least favorites, it doesn’t matter all that much. So, actually completing them very early is using them as drafts for the next (more important/selective) apps.


Ah, yeah. I wasn’t able to find any applications in July, though. Do you know of any colleges in either of the three categories that have a July deadline?

None would have a July deadline but the FL publics would have a July upload. They’d have a priority deadline Nov1 but many are on a traditional rolling system meaning the earlier you apply the better. If the application is available July 10 and you’ve completed it July 17, you’ll hear very early and have sth for sure. That also frees up time for the other apps later. Most importantly, you’ll have the experience behind you and can use it to improve.


Smart! I’ll do that. Thank you!

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APUSH scores rolled in through college portal. I got a 3 :confused:

On a side note, I’ve been studying incredibly hard for the physics test which is this Friday. I feel really prepared, and somehow I actually started liking physics somewhere along the process, but I’m still terrified.


I might be starting to sound like a broken record here, but how much attention is paid to AP scores? I have mostly all 5s, and I didn’t even really feel I was doing badly on the class. I finished with an A and all my practice tests came back as 4s or 5s. Could this bring me down?

Control the controllables. You you got a 3.

Some will, some won’t care - in part because based on your list you won’t get credit.

As long as your list is balanced, you have nothing to worry about.

If this still your list below? Will you be happy at FIU and UF? Don’t want to add a UCF or USF? Not sure Va Tech gets you there…can’t read through all 300+ but that tells me maybe you are overstressing yourself.

You’ll be fine - it’s just a question of finances.

I might switch Va Tech to UVA. Here’s why - UVA meets need. Don’t know if you have need but you have a $10K budget so I’ll assume you will. Yes, UVA is a much harder get but why get a Va Tech if you can’t go? btw - as you’re Hispanic, at Alabama and I’m sure others have a diversity scholarship, but assuming you qualified, you’d get four years tuition, a year housing, and $1K a year.

Good luck.

Looks more like this now:

  • Reach
    • Massachussets Institute of Technology
    • Harvard University
    • Princeton University
    • New York University
    • Carnegie Mellon Univesity
    • Georgia Tech (w/ STAMPS)
  • Target
    • University of Florida
  • Safety
    • University of Central Florida
    • Fordham University
    • Florida International University

Not worried so much about credit, moreso admissions.

Are you ok at FIU or UCF - and I imagine you’d be in at UF too.

You might look at SMU plus presidential too.

And as noted, maybe add Bama if it appeals to you with the offer I listed. No doubt others have ideas.

Anything is within reach - but if you’re ok at FIU, UCF and likely UF, relax and stop panicking.

Easier said than done I can tell. The reaches are reaches - too hard to predict but you’ve done what you can and that’s all you can do.

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You know? You’re right. Maybe it’s time to start looking for a program I really like at a university I can likely attend. Haven’t looked at SMU or Bama yet-- I’ll get on that now.


We need to help you find more targets.