Chance (another) Nervous CS Major! [FL, 3.97 UW GPA, 1590 SAT, $10k budget]

I’ve looked for targets, but I always end up empty-handed. It’s hard to find something that works with my budget.

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If you want a refresher on the big National Merit schools (which will act as both financial and admissions safeties for you) here is the link.


Oh are you NMF or nmsf ? That gets you to budget if yes.

Your issue is budget driven moreso than anything.

I’m not sure at what stage of the NM process I am. I just know my PSAT last year was above the cutoff.

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Based on your selection index, you will be notified that you are a NMSF in early September. Then you have to fill out an application to see if you get to NMF, and your school needs to send some stuff. That is all due in October, if I remember correctly. It is not 100% assured that you will advance to NMF status, because you do have a few Bs and 1 C, but most do advance as long as there are not multiple Cs. Just in case, however, I would be sure to throw in an application to either UMaine or University of Tulsa because those schools require only NMSF to get the full ride.


Run the NPC on Macalester, Denison, Lafayette, Connecticut College…? They have both meet-need offers and merit scholarships, would be matches for you, and a CS major from any of them should have no trouble with internships. Academic matches but the NPC will give you an idea whether they’re affordable.

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I’ve been looking a little more into CS and I think I might wanna go into Computer Engineering or Electronics Engineering (no idea what the difference is) more than I do CS. Just a bigger fan of hands-on projects more than anything.

I don’t think it’ll impact college choices too much but just putting it out there.

Computer engineering is usually more hardware oriented than computer science, but curricula vary, so you may have to check the relative emphasis on hardware (versus software and theory) at each school, or how flexible the program is in student choice in this matter.

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If you make NMF , and it looks like you are planning on it with the NMF schools on your list, you’ll get the benacquisto from florida which is everything from BF plus r&b, an extra stipend to study abroad, and a few other things. Many students get more than COA.

UMiami and Embry-Riddle also take Benaquisto, but not for the full COA. Both schools often stack other scholarships.


I does impact college choices a lot, because all universities offer CS but not all offer CSE - they’re generally large public universities, with FL having excellent choices, then the NMF universities possibilities, but not all top colleges will offer it. Duke, Princeton, Penn, Northwestern do AFAIK but check out other top schools.
I suppose a strategy would be to apply to CSE or EE where it’s offered, and CS where it isn’t.

For Hands-on Meet need: Olin; in case you get merit: WPI. Both offer CSE. Olin is an elite, deliberately small College of Engineering - it’s small because all classes are hands-on and collaborative.


If this is the case, Fordham really isn’t going to suit your needs. Fordham is terrific for humanities, but its CS isn’t strong and it doesn’t offer engineering at all.

You would be better off at your big reach schools (as long as they come through with big financial aid), your Florida schools, or your other National Merit schools. In any case, I predict you are going to land at a strong school and will have a great college experience.


I know there’s been a lot of NM schools thrown around, but are there any that are really good for engineering and cover most if not all cost?

I looked through the list that was sent a couple times, just wanna make sure im not missing anything.

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Besides what’s on the list, you might look into:

University of Nebraska – not an automatic National Merit school but sometimes puts together a package that approaches full ride.

New Jersey Institute of Technology – in the NE, full tuition for National Merit finalists, may also give some grants toward room and board.


Yes. Alabama and Maine plus Tulsa.

Here’s the reality of ‘good’. My Bama kid came back from his job orientation last week. There were kids from Purdue, he said a Michigan, Wisconsin, CWRU, Bama, W Michigan, Akron, NC State, Utah. All together. And their base is all the same. They get a 2 year housing allowance - that differs by location. He’s in Ogden Utah. Get ls $800 a month. Seattle is $1100 and Irvine $1500 as an example.

The ‘these are better’ in most cases is overstated.

For what it’s worth - similar to what you’re thinking - he chose his school. He had the option for higher rank but fell in love with the idea of his own dorm room and chose the safety for that reason.

You’ll be in good company chasing NMF or merit wherever you go - while my son didn’t, lots of accomplished kids like yourself attend schools for cost and most importantly you won’t strangle your family financially.


For this student, all the Florida publics and Embry-Riddle and U Miami (the two privates won’t be full cost, but come very close to it). UF, FSU, UCF and USF all have excellent engineering.


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