<p>Graduation Year: 2010
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Chinese American
State: California</p>
<p>GPA: about 3.8 UW, 4.15W
SAT: 2010
Subjects: 700 Math, 710 UShistory</p>
<p>Junior year course load:
AP Biology
Spanish 3rd year honors
AP Calculus AB
English (reg)
<p>Took Asian American Studies during the summer; got a B though. =/ </p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
At least 300 hours (3 years) volunteering at one organization - Current president, was secretary
Debate for three years, current treasurer
UCSF (hospital in SF) internship during junior year
California Scholarship Federation (not that we do much)</p>
I plan on taking Sociology during the summer at City College. </p>
<p>So what are my chances for these schools so far?
UC Berkeley
UC San Diego
UC Davis
Boston University, Boston College</p>
<p>And, do you have any suggestions?