<p>I am trying to decide at which schools I should apply. I have already started applying to some state schools around my area (minnesota and wisconsin) and would like to apply to one or two universities that are selective and not in the midwest. Please give some suggestions of schools that you think i have a shot at!
Some stats:
3.83 GPA. freshman-junior year I took 4 AP classes and 6 Honors classes.
Senior year classes: AP calculus ab, AP statistics, Accounting 1, AP Psychology, AP enlglish lit.
I have been doing competition cheerleading for four years. 3 years on varsity. captain this year. We won state in 2009 and 2010. Also placed top 10 at nationals. Also made all-american individually.
National honor society, have volunteered quite a bit.
Was in choir for 2 yrs.
-I am an ap scholar with honor, and have recieved 3 scholastic awards from my school (top students in each department)
If you could give me some suggestions of good schools that I've got at least some of a shot that would be great. btw i would like to major in business.</p>
<p>A 31 knocks you out for Cornell and ND and makes you borderline for USC.</p>