Chance at Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Nwestern, Cornell, Case, Hopkins

<p>Hey, I'm a rising senior boy at a nationally ranked coed boarding school in Ohio (probably top 15). I'm of Indian descent but was born in the US. Here's my stuff: Thanks!</p>


<p>GPA: 4.0</p>

Junior year- 3 (Physics B, Calc BC, US Hist; hoping for 5's on all of them)
Senior year- 6 (English Lit/Comp, Macro and Microecon, Statistics, Biology, Physics C, maybe even Music Theory?)</p>

<p>Rank: Our school doesn't give actual rank, but definitely in the top 5% out of ~110 according to our school's grade distribution lists</p>

<p>Coursework: Hardest classes the school offers, including all honors classes</p>

<p>SAT I: 800 M; 710 V</p>

<p>PSAT: 209; commendation but probably not semifinalist</p>

<p>SAT II:
Math IC: 790
Math IIC: 780 (trying for 800 this fall)
Bio: 740
Physics, Chemistry and US Hist: Took them June 4, awaiting results (hoping for 800 on at least one of them)</p>

<p>EXTRA-CURRICULARS (not in any order):</p>

<p>School Newspaper (9-12): writer freshman year, page editor sophomore year, managing editor junior year, and either EIC or managing editor senior year (TBD)</p>

<p>Quiz Bowl Team (9-12): President 10th-12th grades; state qualifiers
Student Government (11): VP junior class</p>

<p>Community Service (11-12): Dormitory prefect during the school year; volunteer work in hospital during the summer</p>

<p>Math Team (9-12): Member, have won several awards in this area (see below)</p>

<p>Tennis (9-12): Lettered 11th and 12th grades, Captain 12th grade</p>

<p>Concert band (11-12): Overall very solid percussionist; timpani player with absolute perfect pitch (ability to identify the letter of a note when it is played, without any sort of reference pitch at all; only 1/10000 Americans has it)</p>

<p>JETS TEAMS (10-12): Participant</p>

<p>Summer Programs:
Center for Talent Development: Participant; did a course in Algebra II Honors
National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine: Participant</p>

AMC 12 (9-12):
9th and 10th grade: Merit Roll (scored above 90 as an underclassman)
11th grade: School Champion, Ohio Certificate of Achievement, 37th in Ohio (Score: 115.0)</p>

<p>Ohio Math League (9-12):
11th grade: School Champion (28/36)</p>

<p>OCTM Competition (11):
11th grade: State Qualifier for OHMIO (see below)</p>

<p>OHMIO (Ohio Math Olympiad; 11):
11th grade: 42nd overall in Ohio; 14th in ciphering competition</p>

National Spanish Exams:
10th grade: 1st place in Ohio for Level II; nationally ranked
11th grade: 2nd place in Ohio for Level III; nationally ranked</p>

Winner of Caltech Signature Award in Science and Math (11th grade)
Winner of Williams College Book Award (11th grade)
National Merit Commended Scholar
Ohio University American History Contest: 16th in Summit County in 11th grade (rare accomplishment by juniors)</p>

<p>Recommendations: will be very good</p>

<p>COLLEGE LIST: This is a preliminary list (not in any order), but see what you all think of it; what are my chances?
Case Western Reserve
Washington in St. Louis
University of Chicago
U Illinois-Urbana
Johns Hopkins
U of Pennsylvania

<p>Comments: Yale and Stanford are at the top of my list, and my sister is going to Caltech right now.</p>

<p>I live in Northern Ohio, too. You're in at Case, barring something seriously wrong with your application. Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Caltech are not guaranteed for anyone, although you are a qualified candidate. Tufts, Cornell, Northwestern, UChicago, probably some others are also pretty iffy and selective, but you are a strong candidate. </p>



<p>Anyway, definitely apply to the schools you want to and see what happens. It's really all you can do. What private school do you attend?</p>

<p>I go to Western Reserve Academy; what about you?</p>

<p>Have you qualified for AIME?</p>

<p>Yeah I did qualify for the AIME but I didn't do all that well on it</p>

<p>Oh I've just graduated. I went to Lorain Catholic; after it closed <em>shakes fist at the diocese</em> I finished my senior year in the Lorain school district.</p>

<p>northwestern = match. u do the rest.</p>