Chance for a Cuban from Miami ?

<p>I'm from Miami, Florida and will be applying RD to the College
First-generation college student
Attend a competitive single-sex Jesuit college prep school
School does not rank but I would presumably be in the top 5%
Weighted Gpa: 4.66
Unweighted Gpa : 3.79
SAT I : 700 CR, 740 Math, 690 W; 2130/2400, 1440/1600
SAT II : 720 US History, 800 Spanish, 710 French</p>

<p>Freshman Year:
Honors English - A
Honors Geometry- B
Honor Earth and Space Science- B+
World History- A
Honors Spanish- A
Christian Morality- A</p>

<p>Sophmore Year:
Honors American Lit- A
Honors Algebra II - B
Honors Biology- B+
A.P. US History- A
A.P. Spanish Lang- A
Church History- A</p>

<p>Junoir Year:
Honors British Lit- A
Honors Precalc.- B
A.P. Chemistry- B
A.P. American Govt- A
A.P. Art History- A
French I -A
Social Doctrine-A</p>

<p>Senoir Year :
A.P. English Lit
A.P Calc AB
A.P Psychology
Honors Latin American History
French II
New Testament Studies</p>

<p>Extracurriculars ( Just naming a few )</p>

<p>Key Club- 9,10,11,12; Grade Rep (9), Association For Retarded Citizens Chairperson (10,11), Editor ( This is an officer's position ,12)
Student Council-9,10,11,12; Sec(9), Vice President (10), Treasurer ( 11), Executive Board (12)
French Club- 10, 11,12; Treasurer (11), President (12)
National Honor Society- 10,11,12; Grade Rep (11), Treasurer (12)
History Club- 11, 12; Founder and President (11,12)
Math Honor Society- 9,10,11,12
Science Honor Society- 11,12
Varsity Wrestling- 10,11,12 ; I have earned a varsity letter every year
Varsity Track- 9,10,11,12; Earned a varsity letter every year. District Pole Vault champion (11), Regional Qualifier Pole Vault (11), Various 1st place finishes. Will serves as co-captain this year
* Around 600 community service hrs</p>

<p>Counselor Rec will be very very good
Teacher Recs will be very very good - One from my French Teacher who thinks extremely highly of me( she is also the French Club Moderator) and another from my Honors Latin American History Teacher ( this is a special class with many leadership requirements... sounds weird, but for you guys to understand you must know that I attend a school that was established in 1854 in Cuba with a very rich history and many rather quirky traditions;the honors latin american history class is a special part of my schools
curriculum because it intends to "mold students into leaders so that they can become a prominent part of the latin american business and political community in the future".. sounds like a load of b.s. ,but its a fun class) who I have a pretty good relationship with because of student council and because I'm considering studying history in college.</p>

<p>cavalierhopeful6---- hmmm I wonder if you are equally interested in UVA lols</p>

<p>Wow.... thats a long post.... I only read GPA and SATa and from what I have been are in NDs average so... good luck</p>

<p>I think you have a very good shot, good luck!</p>

<p>can anyone give me a more detailed assessment, please !!! I'm freaked out by everyone on this site with stats and ecs way superior to mine and I'm really worried about my chances of acceptance to any top university</p>

<p>I would say that you're 70 ~ 80% in.</p>

<p>Assuming you are truly in the top 5% of your class, you have a great shot for many reasons.
1. you are above the average rank for ND students
2. you are a URM, which will help a lot
3. you are coming from a Jesuit high school (though I am biased, I am as well)
4. Your SAT is above the average
5. your course load looks challenging
6. you are a varsity athlete, which ND looks for
7. good recs and I am assuming you will have a good essay</p>

<p>Yes a lot of people here have great stats, but I think you are very competitive and I don't see any major weaknesses. Good luck</p>