<p>I'm from Miami, Florida and will be applying RD to the College
First-generation college student
Attend a competitive single-sex Jesuit college prep school
School does not rank but I would presumably be in the top 5%
Weighted Gpa: 4.66
Unweighted Gpa : 3.79
SAT I : 700 CR, 740 Math, 690 W; 2130/2400, 1440/1600
SAT II : 720 US History, 800 Spanish, 710 French</p>
<p>Freshman Year:
Honors English - A
Honors Geometry- B
Honor Earth and Space Science- B+
World History- A
Honors Spanish- A
Christian Morality- A</p>
<p>Sophmore Year:
Honors American Lit- A
Honors Algebra II - B
Honors Biology- B+
A.P. US History- A
A.P. Spanish Lang- A
Church History- A</p>
<p>Junoir Year:
Honors British Lit- A
Honors Precalc.- B
A.P. Chemistry- B
A.P. American Govt- A
A.P. Art History- A
French I -A
Social Doctrine-A</p>
<p>Senoir Year :
A.P. English Lit
A.P Calc AB
A.P Psychology
Honors Latin American History
French II
New Testament Studies</p>
<p>Extracurriculars ( Just naming a few )</p>
<p>Key Club- 9,10,11,12; Grade Rep (9), Association For Retarded Citizens Chairperson (10,11), Editor ( This is an officer's position ,12)
Student Council-9,10,11,12; Sec(9), Vice President (10), Treasurer ( 11), Executive Board (12)
French Club- 10, 11,12; Treasurer (11), President (12)
National Honor Society- 10,11,12; Grade Rep (11), Treasurer (12)
History Club- 11, 12; Founder and President (11,12)
Math Honor Society- 9,10,11,12
Science Honor Society- 11,12
Varsity Wrestling- 10,11,12 ; I have earned a varsity letter every year
Varsity Track- 9,10,11,12; Earned a varsity letter every year. District Pole Vault champion (11), Regional Qualifier Pole Vault (11), Various 1st place finishes. Will serves as co-captain this year
* Around 600 community service hrs</p>
<p>Counselor Rec will be very very good
Teacher Recs will be very very good - One from my French Teacher who thinks extremely highly of me( she is also the French Club Moderator) and another from my Honors Latin American History Teacher ( this is a special class with many leadership requirements... sounds weird, but for you guys to understand you must know that I attend a school that was established in 1854 in Cuba with a very rich history and many rather quirky traditions;the honors latin american history class is a special part of my schools
curriculum because it intends to "mold students into leaders so that they can become a prominent part of the latin american business and political community in the future".. sounds like a load of b.s. ,but its a fun class) who I have a pretty good relationship with because of student council and because I'm considering studying history in college.</p>