Location: Pennsylvania
Ethnicity: African American
Gender: Female
School Type: Small Private Christian School (We offer few APs, and have NEVER heard of IBs)
Major: Management Information Systems
EFC: 1,161 (FM), 0 (IM) - Applying for Finacial Aid.</p>
GPA: 3.88/3.75 (Weighted/Unweighted)
SATs: 1180/1790 (Terrible, I know)
ACT: 30, hoping for an higher score in October
APs: AP US History (3- not sending), taking AP English Lit, AP European History, AP Psych (Online if I can)
Courseload: All honors except for math and bible, which is an requirement too pass, taking Mathematics courses at a Community College to raise math credits. </p>
<p>EC's/Volunteer: (Parents don't let me work, so I have no work experience)
Praise Dance (9)
Multi-Cultural Club (9, 10, 11, 12 - this time i'm leading the club)
Statistician-Track: (10, possibly 12)
Concert Choir (9,10,11)
Student Ambassador (12)
Worship Team (12)
Student Ministries Outreach Chapel Team Member (12- Just started up this year)
Italian Club (10)
Drama Club (10, 12)
School Play (11)
Teacher Aide (11)
Yearbook - Section Editor/Consultant (12)
National Honors Society - Student Council Member (11,12)
Tutoring (12)
Volunteer at Community Theatre Program (9,10,11,12) - This is probably my area of greatest leadership.
Volunteer Librarian (10,12)
Volunteer at my local Thrift Store (12)
Hoping to Volunteer at my Local Hospital (12)
*If it helps, I only recently turned 16 which limited some of my opportunities.</p>
Essays: I'm known as a fairly decent essay writer, so they should be good.
Teacher Recs: I've been promised good ones from well respected teachers (Both have doctorates)
Guidance Counselor Recs: I've also been promised a very good one. </p>
<p>Honors/Awards: Very few
National Society of High School Scholars
National Honors Society
Highest Honor Roll
ACSI Distinguished Christian High School Student</p>
<p>Honestly, I can’t imagine you would have a problem getting into Drexel. You have a well rounded list of accomplishments, and a great GPA. You seem disappointed with your SAT scores, but your ACT is excellent.</p>
<p>Thank you!
I’m only disappointed in my SAT because I’m hoping to get into the honors college, and I could use all the help I could get.</p>
<p>Drexel may be a perfect fit for you but I have to ask, why Drexel? In a reasonably close proximity you have so many choices. With your ACT and GPA you have so many options (which is a great thing). Just curious.</p>
<p>BrainCramp, Management Information Systems is a strong major at Drexel, and there is the co-op thing. They seem to be very good with financial aid, too. But, yes, there are plenty of options for OP. </p>
<p>Mare_Crisium, they take ACTs as well as SATs. An ACT 30 converts to about a SAT 1980, which is pretty darn good. I would be surprised if you didn’t get into the honors college.</p>
<p>BrainCramp: Drexel has always been one of my top schools for a long time. I love the co-ops, love the atmosphere, etc. Also its close to home, which helps a lot. Plus, a lot of students from my school go there and have told me great things. </p>
<p>pageturner: Thank you, i’ll still keep trying to see if I can raise it, but its good to know that if I don’t get a chance to i’m still a good match.</p>
<p>You have a very good chance of getting in. You also have a good chance at applying for external scholarships to help you pay for Drexel. It is a very expensive school, and everybody (including you) knows that.</p>
<p>Yes, it is an expensive school, but my son received more financial aid there than at most of the other schools on his list. Ultimately, it was one of the least expensive of his options. From what I understand from other Drexel parents, that isn’t unusual.</p>
<p>In. </p>
<p>I got in with a sub 3.0uw GPA and a 23 ACT.</p>
<p>I think you’re in. Im in with a 2.6 UW GPA so I think you’re golden :-)</p>
<p>Wow i’m pretty sure you guys are amazing. Thank you for giving me hope :)</p>