SAT I Math: 750
SAT I Critical Reading: 640
SAT I Writing: 690
SAT II Chinese with Listening: 800</p>
<p>AP Chemistry: 5
AP Calculus AB: 5
AP Chinese Language: 5
AP English Language: 3</p>
<p>Currently Taking:
AP Physics
AP French
AP Calculus BC</p>
Significant Extracurriculars:
Church Youth Group (9,10,11,12, will continue in college)
Science Olympiad (10,11,12)
Science Mentor (10,11,12)
Math League (9,10,12)
Chinese School? (9,10) Graduated
Work Experience: Intern at Pharmaceuticals Company
Leadership positions: Small Group Leader in Church Youth Group
Volunteer/Service Work: Workcamp Short Term Mission
Honors and Awards:
National Merit Commended
AP Scholar with Honors</p>
<p>what did you spend your time doing in high school? Just about all of your activities look like a few times a week activities, nothing substantial. You did them, but I am not seeing any awards or accomplishments from the,.</p>
<p>PhatAlbert, there are fewer women in engineering so I thought maybe that'd be a factor Penn would consider.</p>
<p>As for my activities, I do them every week throughout the year. Is that not enough? And to answer your question, I spend more of my time doing homework I get at least 3 hours of homework on average each night. I admit though, I have a lack of awards, I guess I'm not that competitive. I just like math and science that's all.</p>
<p>red remote: Says who? My sister got into UPenn and her ecs weren't spectacular as well. Her best ecs just consisted of attending a cornell class/program, creating an Asian Club, and 2 leadership positions. Her other stats were similar to the orginal thread starter except she was #1 in her class. But my sister's SATs were a little lower though.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, what's up with almost every Asian person getting better scores on their math than science.. Am I the only Asian that got a higher CR score than M? I just took my first practice test and got CR 720 and M 630.</p>
<p>Anyways, back to the OP, tell me more about that internship with AstraZeneca, that's the only part of the thread that jumps out at me. Serious internships in high school are rare and valued</p>
<p>Everything else looks so-so, puts you in the ball park. SATs could be higher, and your unhooked, so nothing's for sure. i'd say you have a shot, but who really knows?</p>
<p>I keep on repeating this, but the average SAT scores for a student at UPenn is 1404. Most chance threads I read include comments about weak SATs when the sat score is like above 1450..</p>
<p>Yea, but she's unhooked. Legacies, URMs and Athletic recruites pull down the average. If you're not any of those three you need to be higher. My rule for when I applied was to be at th 75th percentile at least</p>
<p>"Most chance threads I read include comments about weak SATs when the sat score is like above 1450.."</p>
<p>Because the people commenting don't know what the F they're talking about. Think about it: we probably don't even know why WE got in. You can go back to the past results thread and try to figure them out, but keep in mind people lie about their stats and ECs and you haven't read their essays. Also, those who were rejected usually just disappear rather than post their rejected stats. </p>
<p>Everyone knows that Penn admissions is incredibly subjective, yet they put their GPA, SATs and a laundry list of ECs up here and expect other Bozos to tell them whether or not they'll get in.</p>
<p>I plan to take the SATs again in November. My low CR score could have to do with the fact that I learned English when I was 8?
I'm not overly concerned with my SAT scores though since that's not the only determining factor.</p>
<p>Joe_L514, I know a few of Asians with higher CRs than M scores, it not uncommon.</p>
<p>As for my Internship, I worked at AZ for 2 months over the summer at the Behavioral Pharmacology section of R&D. I didn't actually perform any experiments, but I analyzed actual data and wrote part of an unpublished research paper.</p>
<p>Yea, I'll be honest, I don't really know what the F i'm talking about. When I read a chances thread here, I post my response based on how you compare to other people I know here at Penn, and what I've learned from a lot of conversations about admissions with a lot of people. Hard statistics for Penn applicants are available too, so frankly, you should go look those up on your own.</p>
<p>Yeah..chances threads are bs...but I like to see people's opinions good or bad. I guess I only created it because I wanted some more optimism, and if people were anal about it I'll just ignore them. >.></p>
<p>I must admit that my anecdotal experience with those people has not been the best though... one was a decent guy but failed out. Another is a genius, but an *******. But that's just rambling.</p>
<p>Penn knows your school is good. That helps a lot.</p>