Well? What do you think?

Public/Chartered Highschool--#1 highschool in Delaware (ranked 74 nationally)</p>

GPA - Unweighted: 3.75
GPA - Weighted: 3.98</p>

SAT I Math: 750
SAT I Critical Reading: 640
SAT I Writing: 690
SAT II Chinese with Listening: 800</p>

<p>AP Chemistry: 5
AP Calculus AB: 5
AP Chinese Language: 5
AP English Language: 3</p>

<p>Currently Taking:
AP Physics
AP French
AP Calculus BC</p>

Significant Extracurriculars:
Church Youth Group (9,10,11,12, will continue in college)
Science Olympiad (10,11,12)
Science Mentor (10,11,12)
Math League (9,10,12)
Chinese School? (9,10) Graduated
Work Experience: Intern at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Leadership positions: Small Group Leader in Church Youth Group
Volunteer/Service Work: Workcamp Short Term Mission
Honors and Awards:
National Merit Commended
AP Scholar with Honors</p>

<p>Colleges of Interest:
Carnegie Mellon University, Choice #: 1
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Choice #: 2,
University of Pennsylvania, Choice #: 3,
University of Delaware (safety), Choice #: 4</p>

<p>Applying as Engineering--Undecided</p>

<p>So what are my chances? I still need to add more colleges to my list, any suggestions for schools with top Engineering programs? The only Ivy I'm applying to is Penn.</p>

<p>Accepted at all of them. UDel will also probably give you tons of merit cash to keep you instate.</p>

<p>I'm not so sure about Penn. I heard Engineering is a weak spot for females though that's why I'm applying there.</p>

<p>I think your underestimating yourself. Your capable at getting into Penn. Nuff said.</p>

<p>Hmm...on average 25 apply to Penn in my school. Two years ago, they accepted 9 and last year they only accepted 4.
I'm hopeful though! Thanks =)</p>

<p>Accepted at all of them. UDel will also probably give you tons of merit cash to keep you instate.</p>

<p>Anyone else's opinion?</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon: Yes
UMich: Yes
Penn: Probably, Female Engineer
UDel: Yes</p>

<p>i would say all of them are matches.</p>